

莱斯利·卡米诺(Leslie Camino)
woman working on a testing machine




莱斯利·卡米诺(Leslie Camino)是企业领导力发展和多样性,公平性和纳入Keysight Technologies的高级总监

Leslie Camino is focused on leadership development at Keysight, fostering high-potential talent and increasing diversity through mentoring, training, and coaching programs. She is certified in women’s leadership by the University of California, Los Angeles.

我出生于加利福尼亚州奥克兰,但我的童年大部分时间都在墨西哥城度过,并与来自世界各地的学生一起上了一所国际学校。作为美国出生的西班牙裔遗产的美国人,以英语作为我的母语,学习新语言并在年轻时被如此多的文化包围是一种独特而形成的体验,鼓励我探索自己的身份,开放,开放介意,寻找新的观点,并理解敏感性。这种心态继续影响我今天的世界如何看待世界,并帮助塑造了我作为技术和全球环境中的拉丁裔的职业。在我在Keysight的角色中,这些学习是我们自身多样性,公平和包容性计划中层次的基础,同时培养了一种归属感 - 包括专注于妇女专业成长的归属感。


Professional development programs benefit all employees but are particularly needed for women and people of color. Sometimes all it takes for a team member to feel heard is a little encouragement — and these initiatives create a pathway for women to share ideas, grow their skill sets, and apply for promotions. In the male-dominated technology industry, companies that offer training, coaching, and mentoring programs that actively elevate female employees will reap major benefits, such as:

  • 吸引和留住顶尖人才:Skillsoft的2021年妇女在技术报告中发现将近86%的职业妇女排名专业发展和培训机会是非常重要或非常重要的。为妇女制定职业增长计划将有助于在竞争激烈的就业市场中区分您的公司,并长期与现有员工互动。
  • 最小化促进和补偿偏见:根据劳工统计局,妇女的年收入占男性的82%,而有色女性的差距更大。给妇女提供专业伸展自己并促进职业的机会有助于技术公司改善性别薪酬平等并消除薪酬偏见。在Keysight上,我们为创建更公平的招聘和晋升流程的努力帮助我们在全球范围内取得了近1:1的男性工资比率。
  • Increasing diversity in leadership roles:Professional development programs provide opportunities for groups often underrepresented in leadership positions. Keysight has a strong track record of cultivating women leaders through initiatives like the Next Generation Leadership Program, whose graduates include our Chief Administrative Officer Ingrid Estrada and Electronic Industrial Solutions Group President Ee Huei Sin. And in 2021, 65% of Keysight’s Emerging Leaders Program participants were women, helping to ensure a pipeline of future female leaders.
  • Driving innovation and business growth:具有包容性文化的技术公司具有竞争性的业务优势。麦肯锡与同行相比,领导团队中性别多样性更大的组织的盈利能力高25%。和最近的BCG study显示多元化水平高于平均水平的公司从新发起的创新中产生了其总收入的45%(相比之下,多元化水平低于平均水平的公司为26%)。换句话说,不同的团队有助于推动第一到市场的技术这会影响底线。





技术公司可以为各种需求设计女性专业发展计划。每个计划都应从一个特定的目标开始,例如确定高潜力的人才,入职新员工或增加领导力的多样性 - 并提供适当的资源来支持该目标。

Keysight的女性员工拥有代理机构,可以从各种举措中进行选择,无论他们是想与导师建立联系,学习新技能,通过执行赞助商领导高可见性任务,还是发展领导能力。例如,我们加速的妇女领导力计划为高潜力人才提供了领导力发展机会。对于希望扩大工程知识的员工Keysight Universityprovides inclusive eLearning opportunities on topics such as 5G, software test automation, and the Internet of Things.









We often get asked to share externally what we are doing at Keysight, I think in large part because our leaders and people are personally invested and involved in what we do, it’s not an HR thing, and we believe that there are many opportunities for Keysight to grow. In fiscal year 2022, Keysight continues to be focused on improving representation with a goal of having 35% of our new hires be women and ensure women have an opportunity to work in tech and contribute to innovate alongside breakthrough technology innovators working to connect and securing the world. We’ll also work to improve access to our women’s professional development and culture programs based on employee feedback. Finally, we will continue to evaluate our HR policies, procurement practices, and office facilities with an inclusion lens to ensure we continue to build a workplace where everyone feels they belong and can do their best work.

Supporting women’s career advancement is not just a nice thing to do, but a business imperative. Employees, customers, and investors from across the industry want to support companies that value diversity. By creating professional development programs across the career journey that set up women for success in the STEM fields, technology companies will foster a culture that treats individuals of all backgrounds with dignity and respect.