Subaru Share the Love Event Returns for Fourteenth Consecutive Year
Subaru Share the Love Event Returns for Fourteenth Consecutive Year
新泽西州卡姆登市,2021年10月19日 / 3BL Media / - 美国Subaru of America,Inc。今天宣布年度Subaru Share the Love® Event将连续十四年在2021年返回。随着国家慈善合作伙伴的归还,包括美国预防虐待动物®(ASPCA®),Make-A-Wish®,Wheels America和National Park Foundation的餐点,Subaru及其参与零售商希望超过grand total of $225 million donated to these worthy causes by the end of the event’s fourteenth year.
托马斯说:“斯巴鲁分享爱情活动对我们来说是一年中最重要的时刻,因为它为我们的斯巴鲁人家庭,零售商和业主提供了片刻,以共同反思最重要的事情 - 帮助有需要的人。”J. Doll, President and CEO of Subaru of America, Inc. “Giving back is at the very heart of Subaru – it’s what makes us More Than a Car Company. In 2021, we’re excited to give back to the causes close to our community’s hearts and make a lasting positive impact.”
从2021年11月18日到2022年1月3日,每一个新的斯巴鲁在全国600多家参与的Subaru零售商之一购买或租赁的每一个新的Subaru将向客户选择的慈善机构捐款250美元。客户可以选择将捐款定向到四个国家合作伙伴慈善机构:ASPCA®,Make-a-Wish®,America wheels America和National Park Foundation的餐点。Subaru零售商还将有机会添加两个当地的家乡慈善机构供客户选择。
For the sixth consecutive year, there will be no cap placed on the total donation from Subaru of America, Inc. to the Share the Love Event charitable partners, and new owners will be granted the option of selecting which charity or charities will receive a donation from Subaru on their behalf. In addition to the four national charity partners, Subaru retailers nationwide have selected 794 charitable organizations in their communities to support.
Additionally, more than 300 participating Subaru retailers will donate an additional $5 to their hometown charitable partners for every routine Subaru vehicle service visit from November 18, 2021 through January 3, 2022, throughout the Subaru Share the Love Event.
The Subaru Share the Love Event was launched in 2008, and since that year, Subaru has donated more than $200 million to more than 1,610 national and local charities.
To learn more,
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®)
Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Make-A-Wish. Research shows that children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. A wish replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy, and anxiety with hope. The impact of just one wish has the power to transform the lives of everyone involved and helps wish kids and their families believe in better days ahead. Through the Subaru Share the Love Event, Make-A-Wish® has granted the life-changing wishes of more than 2,700 kids with critical illnesses.
Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels America provides leadership to local, community-based programs dedicated to fighting hunger and isolation among our nation’s homebound seniors. Through the Subaru Share the Love Event, Meals on Wheels has helped deliver more than 2.5 million meals and friendly visits to America’s seniors.
斯巴鲁是国家公园基金会最大的公司捐助者。国家公园基金会与国家公园管理局(National Park Service)合作,致力于保护野生动植物和公园土地,保护历史和文化,教育和吸引青年,并将各地的人们与公园的奇观联系起来。通过Subaru分享爱情活动,国家公园基金会能够提高我们国家公园系统中的公众意识和参与度,并为400多个国家公园的计划和项目提供重要的资金。
*Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 18, 2021, through January 3, 2022, to four national charities designated by the purchaser or lessee. Pre-approved Hometown Charities may be selected for donation depending on retailer participation. For every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased during the campaign period, participating retailers will donate an additional $50 in total to their registered Hometown Charities. Subaru will donate a total of $5 to their registered Hometown Charities for every Subaru vehicle routine service visit during the campaign period. A routine visit includes customer payment of $5 or greater, or any service that includes a genuine Subaru oil filter. Purchasers/lessees must make their charity designations by January 15, 2022. The four national charities will receive a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 each. See your local Subaru retailer for details or visit All donations made by Subaru of America, Inc.
美国斯巴鲁公司(SOA)是全资子公司日本斯巴鲁公司。该公司的总部位于新泽西州卡姆登市的一个零填充办公室,并通过美国630多家零售商的网络销售Subaru车辆,零件和配件。所有Subaru产品均在零地填充工厂和Subaru of IndianaAutomotive,Inc。是唯一由国家野生动物联合会指定为后院野生动植物栖息地的美国汽车制造厂。SOA由斯巴鲁爱的诺言,这是公司向所有人表示爱和尊重,并在全国范围内支持其社区和客户的愿景。在过去的20年中,SOA捐赠了超过2亿美元,以引起斯巴鲁家庭的关心,其员工已经记录了63,000多个志愿者小时。作为一家公司,斯巴鲁认为,重要的是要在世界上产生积极影响,因为这是正确的事情。有关其他信息,请访问。跟着我们Facebook,推特, 和Instagram。
Diane Anton
Taryn Ottaunick
MWW on behalf of Subaru