周日与Teryn Buster的对话
周日与Teryn Buster的对话
对于Teryn Buster,梅西百货的感恩节游行开始了假期之前。In early November, Columbus-based insurer Aflac flew the 10-year-old, her mom and grandmother to New York City for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Macy’s Parade Studio and VIP access to “Balloonfest” to see up close the newest balloonicles (self-powered balloon vehicles). “We looked like tiny little ants standing next to them,” said Teryn, who is from Lithonia. Her favorite, of course, was the Aflac Duck, decked in a blue hat and scarf and holding a heart to his chest. Teryn is very familiar with the inimitable quacking fowl. She is being treated for sickle cell disease and cancer at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Seeing the duck on TV Thanksgiving morning was pretty special, too, Teryn said. “It was big and it was very cool. I liked how they made it seem like the Aflac Duck was really sledding down the road.”