Supporting Survivors and Creating Safer Digital Spaces

Supporting Survivors and Creating Safer Digital Spaces

NortonLifeLock and the National Network to End Domestic Violence fights tech abuse through Safety Net
Headshot of Paige Hanson, Chief of Cyber Safety Education with the quote,



By Paige Hanson, Chief of Cyber Safety Education

We are continuing our celebration ofWomen’s History Month今年三月分享了我们的一个非营利合作伙伴之一,National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV).The theme of this year’s Women’s History Month is “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope,” which is exactly what the NNEDV does.

NNEDV is a membership and advocacy organization comprised of state domestic violence coalitions, allied organizations, and supportive individuals all working to create a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists. It offers programs and initiatives that address both the causes and consequences of domestic violence and provides training, technical assistance, and resources to local communities.

An often-overlooked facet of domestic violence is technology abuse—particularly the use of software like stalkerware to track domestic partners or monitor their online behavior, providing more opportunity for harassment. Last year, we provided a $75,000 grant to NNEDV’s安全网, a truly innovative and comprehensive program that “focuses on the intersection of technology and domestic and sexual violence and works to address how it impacts the safety, privacy, accessibility, and civil rights of victims.” As part of our support, I was thrilled to be able to keynotetwo trainingslast fall to hundreds of staff members of NNEDV member organizations.

In addition to our trainings, with our financial support, NNEDV’s Safety Net Project made great strides in tackling online abuse in 2021. Here’s a glimpse of the impact:

  • Provided 66 trainings, reaching over 7,700 advocates, legal professionals, law enforcement, technologists, educators, and others working with survivors of abuse 
  • Presented two national webinars with theUniversity of Texas Medical BranchSafe Alliance
  • Released大流行中的技术滥用, a report on technology abuse during the pandemic
  • 提供了近1100小时of technical assistance to programs and those working with survivors to share how technology can be used against survivors as well as how to protect them
  • Co-sponsored Safety’s Net’s 9th annual Tech Summitin July, in partnership with NortonLifeLock and other tech companies. At the summit, NNEDV provided critical content around technology abuse. Over 630 advocates, legal professionals, privacy experts, and technologists from 43 states, three territories, and six countries attended.

NNEDV将继续为许多遭受家庭暴力的妇女提供康复和促进希望,Nortonlifelock将继续在这项重要工作中支持NENDV。Nortonlifelock也很荣幸能成为反对跟踪器件的联盟, which was formed to help keep malicious technology like Stalkerware and Creepware out of the hands of abusers.

Survivors of violence against women can be helped all year round, not just in March. To help NNEDV get more resources into the hands of survivorsdonate today如果您或您认识的人正在遭受虐待,骚扰或伤害,或者认为您可能会打电话给U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotlineat 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit NNEDV’swebsite用于资源。