Survival of the Best: The Past, Present and Future of Plant Breeding

Survival of the Best: The Past, Present and Future of Plant Breeding

选择性育种并不是什么新鲜事物。人类已经这样做了数千年。如今,植物育种取决于对人类历史上遗传学和生物学工具的最先进的理解 - 科学家仍然有更多技巧





2022年6月1日,星期三 - 上午9:55

The carrot on your plate might seem like the most simple thing in the world – a hardy root that has nourished humans, from kings to peasants, for generations. But as humble as it seems, the common carrot – long, orange and crunchy – is actually just one result of a genetic engineering project that has been going on for the last ten thousand years. In the wild, carrots are small, pale and have thin, forked roots with a strong flavor. Only centuries of selective breeding for desirable traits has given us the carrot we see today.

事实是,我们认为理所当然的大量水果和蔬菜从来没有从那样开始。这些是人类农业故事的伟大故事的结果,这个故事是我们的史前祖先有条不紊地鉴定出具有理想特征的植物 - 最大,最大,多种风味或最能抗病的植物,并交叉繁殖。

While individually, the changes can be minor, over time, that process has radically reshaped what we put on our plates. Consider the brassica – this single plant, carefully cultivated over centuries has given us kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and turnips.




"The world population is growing, and climate zones are changing constantly; with this there is more pressure on plants from diseases, and insects. We need scientific answers to these problems."Jonathan Jenkinson, Head of Product Design at Bayer

也有商业要求的小问题。不需要农作物科学家指出,我们喜欢购买更好的味道,看起来可食用并在架子上保持更长的时间,无论季节如何。拜耳蔬菜分析和管道设计负责人汤姆·奥斯本(Tom Osborn)说:“可能会影响您盘子上的最大事情是生长和运送果实和蔬菜的能力。”


… Need Modern Solutions





植物通过互相授粉而繁殖,因此所有传统的农业学家都需要种植最健康的农作物的种子,然后它们会成长并互相施肥,从而导致新一代的植物,并具有继承范围父母中包含的特征。尽管不精确的科学 - 选择性繁殖通常会随机结果,因为育种者对工作中的遗传机制的了解有限,但随着时间的流逝,它导致了显着改善的产品。但是,由于遗传测序的引入,传统的植物育种在过去15年中发生了重大变化。


现在,我们不仅能够通过表型看到繁殖的结果,还可以看到DNA结构发生了什么,并且知道为什么这些变化在遗传水平上发生在植物中 - 这称为基因分型。得益于遗传学科学的最新发展(为了了解人类遗传学和健康的遗传技术的快速改进三十年),绘制人类,动物,植物和所有生物体的DNA比以往任何时候都更快,更便宜。







And it’s not just about the seeds themselves. Coupled with broader technological improvements into data gathering and analysis, the process by which genes are selected and new crops make it into fields and onto your table is more efficient than ever before. “If we can use data to make a better decision today about which corn hybrids to produce over the winter, that can get us to a new commercial product much faster,” says Jonathan Jenkinson.


得益于现代数据捕获和分析技术的开发,今天这是一个截然不同的故事 - 对于正在寻找解决方案的全球农民来说,这是个好消息。乔纳森说:“在过去的30年中,它可能已经从一段时间到11年到13年,降至6或7年。”


Why Collaboration is Key

Innovations in plant breeding have advanced the prosperity of civilizations for centuries. Continuously improving seeds to grow more resilient and high-yielding, more nutritious crops remains one of agriculture’s strongest tools in fighting hunger and supporting the farmers who feed communities around the world. Bayer develops crops using cutting edge breeding technologies and an expansive library of germplasm. And even with the resources of a market leader, the challenges facing agriculture can’t be tackled by a single player alone. Having diverse germplasm – living genetic resources such as seeds or plant tissues that are maintained for the purpose of plant breeding and preservation – to tap into when developing new seed varieties makes plant breeders more successful in solving the problems facing global farmers – and that’s where collaboration comes in.

And that’s why Bayer contributes germplasm and genetic characterization data to other research programs around the world. The donation is intended to facilitate the incorporation of underutilized genetic diversity into modern maize breeding programs – including organizations that help improve regional crops for smallholders based on regional needs.


The project builds capacity and scale by leveraging insights from Bayer’s breeding program models and best practices. “Our shared goals in leveraging research and product development are providing new solutions towards food security and empowering African scientists and farmers, supporting Africa rising to achieve the grand challenges in the face of climate change while developing new ways of working in a dynamic food system,” says Stella Salvo, Head of Breeding Partnerships for Smallholder Farming at Bayer. “Our Bayer breeding teams engage in sharing best practices in breeding program management, design and use of digital tools that will support the IITA’s research priorities and product outputs.”


And that’s not all. Crop scientists currently consider themselves to be moving from the third generation of breeding, powered by genomic knowhow, and into a fourth generation. The goal is to build more flavorful, sustainable, and high yielding crops, which are more resilient against climate change from the ground up. And scientists they will do this for example by harnessing the targeted abilities of gene editing techniques.



类别: 创新与技术