Sustainability Interview with Peggy Ward from Kimberly-Clark

Nov 29, 2011 10:00 AM ET

Development Crossing Exclusive Interviews - CSR and Sustainability

作为发展Crossing正在进行的采访系列的一部分,金伯利 - 克拉克(K-C)公司企业可持续发展战略团队主任佩吉·沃德(Peggy Ward)最近与该网络分享了她的一些想法。金博宝怎么注册

1. Can you provide a brief overview of your role and how it relates to CSR and Sustainability?

I am the Director of the Enterprise Sustainability Strategy Team at Kimberly-Clark (K-C) Corporation. I lead global advancement of the company’s sustainability strategy. This position places emphasis on developing, implementing and communicating K-C’s sustainability strategy and related plans to internal and external stakeholders

2. What are the top 3 challenges facing you as a CSR/Sustainability executive over the next 12-18 months? Why?

  1. Continue gaining support from within our businesses as to how sustainability can contribute to their objectives. We continually strive to demonstrate how sustainability can help them advance their objectives.

  2. 竞争资源支出或业务投资等资源以追求可持续性的努力。金博宝怎么注册

  3. Long-term sustainability strategy development such as 2030 and beyond. As a publicly held company, having a 5-year plan is long term, but sustainability needs to go well beyond a 5-year time horizon to be successful.

3. Given the emergence of CSR/Sustainability as a strategic imperative over the last decade, how do you see it continuing to evolve in the future?

Sustainability and CSR used to be viewed by companies as compliance oriented in response to regulation ---sprinkled with the ideology of doing good in the communities where they operated. I believe the positive shift we’ve seen in the past decade will continue and even escalate with companies viewing sustainability as a business imperative rather than a defensive move.

The world’s population just topped 7 billion, and will continue to grow in the next decade. The economic status of the world’s population is also growing to be more middle class creating more disposable income that leads to new emerging markets for companies.


4. What recent CSR/Sustainability initiative or project are you most proud of and why? How have you measured its success?

Stakeholder engagement both with non-governmental organizations and with our own employees.

  1. 我们于2009年8月决心绿色和平组织针对K-C举行的一项运动。从那以后,我们一直在与绿色和平组织合作,以进一步促进我们的纤维采购政策,分享我们的可持续性指导,并与他们解决林业问题。金博宝怎么注册真正令人着迷的是我们现在如何共同实现我们的共同目标。随着我们继续见面并建立自己的信任,我们开始看到双方如何看待我们原始辩论的某些方面。现在,我们很乐意向双方表达我们误解了某些方面,或者我们以完全不同的方式看到了它。这些“ A-HA”时刻确实以一种很好的方式开眼界,使我们能够以非常有效的方式一起工作。

  2. 此外,我们为员工创建了一个名为“小步骤”的程序,以证明更引人注目的变化,例如安装太阳能电池板或仅购买环保材料,这并不是对环境产生积极影响的唯一方法。改变所需要的只是一些小小的行为改变,例如在晚上关闭计算机或进行较短的淋浴。员工只需从我们的内部可持续性问题上的列表中选择一个选项,或者他们可以承诺与众不同,然后单击“其他”框并解释他们在做什么。金博宝怎么注册一旦他们承诺,他们就会收到一个特殊的电子邮件签名(请参阅我的电子邮件签名),让每个人都知道他们是致力于塑造更健康世界的运动的一部分。这是今天迈出一小步的可持续发展并帮助明天改变的简单方法。金博宝怎么注册截至2011年11月15日,我们在全球签约了11,600多名员工!


It all comes down to taking a holistic approach (the triple bottom line) and making a business case for sustainability—it must support your business and its objectives. While the majority of companies see sustainability and CSR as ways to” do the right thing” the leading companies are those who make sustainability and integral part of the business and its operations. They view it as a strategic imperative, not just something they need to do or have to do. When competition increases for internal resources, those who can demonstrate business value receive the needed funding and resources.

In making a business case for sustainability, you will need to:

  • 衡量您所做的一切以证明对企业的价值(用于内部买入),除了为世界的改善提供价值

  • 在您的团队中包括业务。对于金博宝怎么注册公司而言,可持续性团队并不是“全部结束”,您需要利用业务内部的资源。例如,在K-C,我们有可持续性业务领导者陷入了业务。金博宝怎么注册他们已经将线路回到了我们的可持续发展团队。金博宝怎么注册当对运营,我们的产品等做出关键决定时,这些人在桌面上。

  • Gain support from C-suite and board of directors either by reporting structure or by keeping them informed of the work.

6. Any additional thoughts?

  • 让任何对可持续性充满热情的人参与公司的努力。金博宝怎么注册他们的功能基础水平无关紧要。激情和兴趣胜过一切。

  • Be relentless in pursuing sustainability efforts, but also have thick skin.

  • 确保有事实。只是说“做正确的事情”不会为您提供完成工作所需的支持和资源。

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