

(3去年可比我们伯林盖姆,金博宝手机版网页CA - 3月29日,2010 -可持续生活媒体公布第二季的可持续品牌训练营,这一轮,一个8会话在可持续的商业与设计在线课程。星期五4月2日和运行通过5月21日开始,当然是为了教公司建立业务价值和品牌价值创新的可持续性,并给学生额外的简历资质和工具来制定公司内部的变化。金博宝怎么注册

生产商的可持续开发的品牌发布会上,训练营学员学习一些世界顶级的可持续的商业思想领袖,每一位著名的可持续的商业专家在他/她的专业。这些长期可持续性从业者与顶级国际金博宝怎么注册品牌咨询,包括可口可乐、沃尔玛、UPS、惠普、联合利华、卡夫,和其他很多。设计主管和经理试图了解如何识别和应对今天的市场需求在改善商业环境和社会影响的,接下来的课程分4步的处方为构建更好的品牌的未来:“观察、重新设计、测量和交流。”Sessions are designed to fit a lunch hour and are also available on demand. New sessions are added weekly which students may join live or as it fits their schedule. With a commitment of 8-12 hours, participants will gain a solid grounding in the core disciplines needed for moving successfully in to the new age of sustainable business. Speakers and topics include: 1) Understanding Ecological Overshoot, with Susan Burns of Global Footprint Network 2) Sustainable Packaging Design Strategies, with JoAnn Hines 3) Three Strategies for Managing Extended Producer Responsibility, with Seetha Coleman-Kammula of SimplySustain 4) Getting Started and Keeping Going on the Path to Better Brands, with Asheen Phansey of Babson College 5) Green Chemistry's Potential Impact, with Leonard Robinson of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control 6) Design Tools for Sustainability, with Terry Swack of SustainableMinds 7) Sustainability Reporting: Methods & Measures with Elaine Cohen of BeyondBusiness 8) Effective Communications for Social Entrepreneurs, with Cheryl Heller For the full program guide, schedule, and speaker bios, please visit:http://www.sustainablelifemedia.com/events/online/sbbootcamp一定要加入对话和社区:LinkedIn -188bet网址怎么打不开http://bit.ly/SB-LinkedInTwitter -http://twitter.com/SLM188bet网址怎么打不开Community关于可持续生活媒体b2b在线社区,电子通讯和事件公司位于伯林盖姆,CA。可持续生活媒体(SLM)是商业人士寻求建立新的188bet网址怎么打不开价值和竞争优势通过创新更可持续策略,实践和产品。欲了解更多信息,请访问:http://www.sustainablelifemedia.com/about
