T -Mobile宣布2040净零承诺
华盛顿州贝尔维尤(Bellevue),2023年1月30日 / 3bl媒体 / -今天的T-Mobile(NASDAQ:TMU)宣布了该公司在其可持续发展努力方面迈出的最新一步,包括在2040年到2040年实现整个碳足迹的行业领先的承诺。为了增金博宝怎么注册强这一新目标,T-Mobile也是登录气候承诺这是一个由公司和组织组成的跨部门社188bet网址怎么打不开区,旨在解决为可持续未来削减全球碳排放的挑战。
“As we know sustainability is important to our customers and stakeholders, T-Mobile has made great progress in reducing our environmental footprint – and now we're taking even bigger steps to reduce our carbon emissions with a commitment to meeting SBTi’s Net-Zero Standard,” said Mike Sievert, T-Mobile CEO. “We are proud that we are doing our part to create a sustainable future for all – including becoming the first in U.S. wireless to set this bold target. And we hope companies like ours — and the partners and suppliers we work alongside — will join us in setting their own aggressive longer-term goals like these.”
With the company’s new commitment, T-Mobile becomes the first in U.S. wireless to set a net-zero goal for all three emissions scopes that has been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) using their Net-Zero Standard – the world’s first framework for company targets that aligns with the latest climate science. This goal covers emission scopes 1 and 2, inclusive of direct emissions from T-Mobile’s operations and facilities, as well as indirect emissions from purchased electricity.
The Un-carrier’s new goal also covers all remaining indirect scope 3 emissions (the company’s entire footprint!) — including those produced by suppliers, customer device usage, materials and fuel required to ship products, employee travel, and more—which represents roughly two-thirds of the company’s carbon footprint.
“虽然T-Mobile的净零目标是一项长达数十年的努力,但我们知道现在采取确定行动以减少对子孙后代的环境影响是多么重要,” T-首席通讯和公司责任官Janice Kapner说移动的。“我们致力于衡量的进步,并以强有力的治理实践,一致和透明的报告以及与领先的可持续发展专家的持续合作负责。”金博宝怎么注册
- 定期测量和报告温室气体排放;
- 通过实际的业务变化和创新,实施与巴黎协议相一致的脱碳策略,包括提高效率,可再生能源,材料减少和其他碳排放消除策略;
- 用额外的,可量化的,真实的,永久和对社会有益的偏移中和任何剩余的排放,以在2040年到2040年获得零碳排放量。
“我们很兴奋,T-Mobile正在签署气候承诺,并承诺提前10年达成巴黎协定,”亚马逊气候承诺的全球领导者Sally Fouts说。“ T-Mobile在其运营过程中已经设定并实现了积极的可再生能源和减少碳减少目标,我们很高兴看到他们在2040年之前绘制的全面且周到的途径,以实现净零碳。”
T-Mobile在建立更可持续的未来方面具有悠久的奉献精神。这是美国无线上第一个获得雄心勃勃的100%的人可再生电目标,以及以前基于科学的还原碳目标。该联合国载体为2022 CDP气候变化披露赢得了A-,并在前20名中得到认可Just Capital的2023年排名美国最只是公司,包括在电信行业中排名第一的环境影响。
T-Mobile US,Inc。(NASDAQ:TMU)是美国的增压UN-CARRIRE,它提供了高级4G LTE和变革性的全国5G网络,可为所有人提供可靠的连接。T-Mobile的客户受益于其价值和质量无与伦比的组合,坚定不移的痴迷,为他们提供了最佳的服务体验和无可争议的破坏驱动力,从而创造了无线及以后的竞争和创新。T-Mobile总部位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤(Bellevue),通过其子公司提供服务,并经188bet上不了营其旗舰品牌T-Mobile,T-Mobile和Sprint的Metro。有关更多信息,请访问:http://www.t-mobile.com。
This communication includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including information concerning T-Mobile US, Inc.’s future results of operations, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are generally identified by the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “could” or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions, which are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, including unexpected delays, difficulties, and expenses in executing against our environmental, climate, or other “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)” targets, goals and commitments outlined in this document, including, but not limited to, our efforts to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, as well as changes in laws or regulations affecting us, such as changes in cybersecurity, data privacy, environmental,safety and health laws, and other risks as disclosed in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K, 10-Q and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Given these risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. T-Mobile does not undertake, and expressly disclaims any duty, to update any statements contained herein, whether as a result of new information, new developments, or otherwise, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law. In addition, some of the statements contained in this document may rely on third-party information and projections that management believes to be reputable; however, T-Mobile does not independently verify or audit this information.