T-Mobile首席执行官Mike Sievert在2020年虚拟毕业生的开学演讲:“跟随您的激情!”

T-Mobile首席执行官Mike Sievert在2020年虚拟毕业生的开学演讲:“跟随您的激情!”

2020年5月19日,星期二 - 12:00 pm

CONTENT: Article

本周,T-Mobile通过与格莱美奖屡获殊荣的艺术家在Tiktok上发起#TossYourCap挑战,开始庆祝今年的毕业生。DJ Khaled, Kesha,Dixie D’Amelio以及其他艺术家支持美国毕业生的工作,这是一家全国性非营利组织,致力于为青年和年轻人服务,目的是帮助他们从高中毕业并取得成功,并揭露Un-carrier Jobs Initiative- 致力于明年雇用5,000多名新员工。

Today, the magenta commendations continue as T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert joins other impactful leaders and luminaries — including Apple CEO Tim Cook, Bill and Melinda Gates, Jimmy Fallon, Hillary Clinton and many more — through the company’s partnership with iHeartMedia and its “Commencement: Speeches for the Class of 2020” series. “The class of 2020 is uniquely poised for greatness as the first virtually graduating class,”西弗特说,“因此,我们渴望与IheartMedia合作,并提供一些授权的话语,以同样前所未有的方式为学生提供当之无愧的庆祝活动。”

以下是Sievert演讲的全文,它提供了灵感和建议 - 最重要的是,今年的毕业生以及我们所有人都可以追随我们的激情。

嘿,毕业生。是T-Mobile首席执行官Mike Sievert。

我想加入令人难以置信的清单,这些人停下来祝贺大家成为2020年毕业生的巨大成就 - 所以祝贺。




But don’t let this environment diminish one ounce of what you’ve achieved. It took hard work and dedication and breaking through a lot of barriers to get here. You’ve earned it. And now you’re poised to launch into whatever’s next — whatever’s next for you.

而且,如果您像我们大多数人一样,您可能会问的问题 - 可能绝对每个人和他们的兄弟都一遍又一遍地问您 - 现在是:“下一步是什么?未来怎么了?我们从这里去哪里?”

好吧,就像我说的那样 - 首先,深吸一口气。一切都会好起来的。让您已经完成的事情沉入,然后坐下来思考一下如何激发您的兴趣。

You know, each of us has our own individual goals and dreams, and I think that all of us, myself included, we can’t go too wrong if we think about that old cliché we’ve all heard a million times, a cliché that might just apply now in this environment more than ever before:



好吧,这是一个公平的问题。但是我在这里告诉您,这些情况 - 实际上,任何诸如此类的情况都会带来挑战或障碍 - 确实是机会。可以成为发射台的机会,可以重置您的思想或制定新课程或完成使您和其他人感到高兴的原因。


And it happened while we were on a boat trip, returning from a place in coastal Canada called Desolation Sound. And yes, Desolation Sound is just as remote as it sounds. It’s a wilderness Island region near the mainland, and it’s beyond the end of the road. It’s a really beautiful place, but it’s far away. It takes hours and hours of cruising over the course of a couple of days to get there. Anyway, my family and I are cruising along in our boat, out at sea, miles from shore, as we’re heading back home to Seattle, Washington. And I had the boat on autopilot, on a leg that would last for several hours.

Now, like I said, we’re out at sea. I mean, you could see land in the distance, many miles away, but that’s only because the region is mountainous with snow-capped mountains and glaciers off in the distance. And I’m scanning around a bit with my binoculars, looking for errant logs or other obstacles that might get in the way while the autopilot’s doing its work.

那就是我看到它的时候。在远处,我们的港口弓在水中。但这不是日志。那是一个男人 - 一个人在水中 - 他还活着。


Now, you have to understand, because we’re at sea, there are four-foot waves washing over the stern of our boat as we try to get this guy aboard. And, amazingly, it just so happened that the day before, the last day of our mini vacation, we’d actually been practicing man-overboard drills — how to rescue somebody from the water with this little sling that we’ve got.


And you want to know what the first thing he says to us is? I kid you not. He looks up at us and he says, “Hey, what’s up?” And it took me a minute, as I stood there and I’m thinking to myself, “Really? What’s up? Just minutes ago, you were stranded in the water with not long to live.” And all I could think to ask was, “Well, hey, how long you been in the water?” And he says, “I don't know. What time is it?” And he points to a ruined old Timex watch on his wrist that’s been trashed during his unplanned swim.

因此,我们共同确定他在水里已经近一个小时了一个小时。我的意思是,这是令人难以置信的。他必须有体温过低。这个家伙在水里呆了一个小时。您必须了解,这是西北太平洋。我的意思是,您在这里没有真正在海洋中游泳。您可能会偶尔跳下来 - 然后您立即恢复。


因此,我们急于将他包裹在我们急救套件中的那些闪亮的热毯中之一。而且他甚至对此并不真正感兴趣。绝对没有压力,没有恐慌 - 也许这是震惊,我不知道。真正有趣的是,在与我们登上不到五分钟之后,他转身,突然问:“嘿,你看过我的船吗?”


因此,我们抬起甲板,开始用双筒望远镜扫描 - 果然。他的船,距离我们的弓只有几英里。因此,我决定加电并再次移动,最终我们将他带到他的船上。



然后它打了我 - 直到那时我才意识到:为什么我不呢?

Why don’t we all think that way? I mean, with all my preoccupation around his misplaced sense of immortality, I should have been asking myself that same question. Not just why didn’t he understand how precious today really was, but why don’t we all? What would we do differently if making the most of each day really was our goal?

It may sound a little bit dramatic, but this thing hit me like a ton of bricks. Each day is precious, which means each day is a gift. We’re not guaranteed tomorrow. We might find ourselves adrift at sea, and it’s just a coin toss as to whether somebody just rando comes along and saves us. Saving that guy’s life, the crazy and random and unexpected and, frankly, somewhat scary set of circumstances I found myself in that day, helped to change and focus my perspective. Just as I hope graduating in this crazy, uncertain time will change or focus yours.




前进。真的做。过着最好的生活。就像我说的那样,每天都是礼物,这意味着,在追求我们自己的幸福和我们可以传播给他人的幸福时,我们真的可以,并且以某种方式,我们必须充分利用今天,并且take tomorrow’s opportunities — or tomorrow’s worries — for granted.





听着,您正在遇到疯狂,随机和不确定的。由于这一切,您可能会以多种方式改变您的观点 - 我们都会。您将重新启动,重置,充电 - 现在,您可以准备全速前进,走向惊人。这个世界需要您做到这一点。

So when everybody’s incessantly asking you, “What’s ahead?” First, take a deep breath. What’s behind you is a huge accomplishment. And second, follow the cliché — follow your passions. Find the things that make you happy and help you spread happiness to other people. Treat each day as something of value. The rest will fall in place.

And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to do it with the sunny disposition of that guy who came aboard our boat, wet and exhausted after an hour in the water, and looked up at us and simply said, “Hey, what’s up?”


我是迈克·西弗特(Mike Sievert)。


T移动U.S. Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) is America’s supercharged Un-carrier, delivering an advanced 4G LTE and transformative nationwide 5G network that will offer reliable connectivity for all. T-Mobile’s customers benefit from its unmatched combination of value and quality, unwavering obsession with offering them the best possible service experience and undisputable drive for disruption that creates competition and innovation in wireless and beyond. Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile, Metro by T-Mobile and Sprint. For more information please visit:http://www.t-mobile.com

类别: 教育