T-Mobile捐赠了半百万个医疗面具并邀请CUstomers and Employees to Join in Thanking COVID-19 Heroes for #GivingTuesdayNow

T-Mobile捐赠了半百万个医疗面具并邀请CUstomers and Employees to Join in Thanking COVID-19 Heroes for #GivingTuesdayNow

5月5日,联合国载体加入了全球努力,以回馈前线的人 - 与CDC基金会合作,捐赠了500,000个面具,并向客户和员工提供了多种方式,以感谢Fartline工人



  • Donate 500,000 medical face masks to the CDC Foundation
  • 通过向美国Covid-19救济基金的男孩和女孩俱乐部提供5美元,为在T-Mobile.com上购买的每份合格配件,提供5美元,为前线工人家庭提供育儿选择,最高可达100,000美元
  • 为客户提供通过T-Mobile Tuesdays应用程序在星期二向一线工人致敬的机会
  • 蓝色照明 - 并鼓励每个人加入运动

Why it matters:COVID-19 has touched everyone, but those working the frontlines are being hit especially hard. T-Mobile and its passionate customers, fans and employees are stepping up to bring supplies, resources and a huge, collective THANK YOU to those brave individuals who are taking big risks every day to serve us all.

Who it’s for:任何想在这些艰难时期中产生真正改变的人 - 无论是通过捐赠(代表T-Mobile)还是个人感恩的信息!



华盛顿州贝尔维尤,5月4日,2020 / 3BL媒体 / -T移动goes big every year on Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to doing good deeds that is typically held right after Thanksgiving. But today, in the midst of these unprecedented times where brave frontline workers are stepping up every day to take big risks to protect us ALL, the world needs a Giving Tuesday现在。因此,Un-Carrier将全力感谢我们的一线英雄,并为客户,员工和粉丝提供了加入我们的机会。T-Mobile宣布将捐赠500,000个医疗面具CDC基金会to distribute in areas of high need. In addition, the company is giving $5– ON US -对于在T-Mobile.com上购买的每个合格配件,这将用于支持美国男孩和女孩俱乐部(BGCA)COVID-19救济基金,为那些在前线服务的家庭提供育儿选择。

联合国载体还为客户提供了一种庆祝并通过T-Mobile Tuesdays应用程序向自己社区中的前线工人特别喊叫的方式。更不用说在全国各地转动一些标志性的洋红色地点,包括其总部和体育馆,蓝色是轻型蓝色运动的一部分。

“This T-Mobile #GivingTuesdayNow campaign and our partnership with CDC Foundation and Boys & Girls Clubs of America is just an extension of our commitment to help create connections for people,” said Mike Sievert, CEO of T-Mobile. “In addition to T-Mobile’s support, we’re giving our customers, employees and fans another opportunity to recognize the heroes who are serving us all every day through this crisis. To those on the front lines: Thank you. We’re With You.”

Starting May 5, T-Mobile’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign will launch. It includes:

  • Donation of 500,000 Medical Masks:T-Mobile正在捐赠50万个医疗面具,以帮助保护前线的医护人员。通过CDC基金会的COVID-19反应,面具将在全国范围内分发给高需求的地区。
  • 基本配件,基本协助优惠 - 在我们身上:每次购买符合条件的基本配件(电话盒,屏幕保护膜,收费产品等)来自T-Mobile.com,T-Mobile将向美国捐款5美元 - 美国男孩和女孩俱乐部Covid-19救济基金,最高100,000美元,这有助于提供前线工人家庭的育儿选择。
  • 点燃蓝色,谢谢您的#frontlinefirst:On May 5, as part of the national LIGHT IT BLUE campaign, T-Mobile will encourage everyone to show their gratitude by sharing images (blue, of course) on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – and through the T-Mobile Tuesdays app - with messages of support and thanks to ALL frontline workers. Plus, the Un-carrier will once again join the nationwide movement honoring frontline workers by turning all of its magenta properties blue for the day, including its headquarters in Bellevue, Washington and Overland Park, Kansas, T-Mobile Park in Seattle and T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

“The masks T-Mobile is supplying will go directly to frontline workers in the states being hardest hit by the crisis right now, filling a critical need for organizations feeling the strain from limited supply chains,” said Dr. Judy Monroe, president and CEO of the CDC Foundation. “The coronavirus pandemic is an all-hands-on-deck moment for the entire world, and we’re grateful for companies like T-Mobile, which see a need and step up to fill it.”

联合国载体现在与比尔&梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation),贝宝(Paypal一起教书。T-Mobile的《现在的星期二》竞选活动是该公司如何将其资源以及与CDC基金会和美国男孩女孩俱乐部建立的主要合作伙伴关系的另一个例子,以帮助受到这场危机影响最大的人。


T-Mobile知道人们保持联系有多重要,尤其是在这些独特而充满挑战的时期。确保其网络继续为依赖它的每个人提供表演,T-Mobile还加大了努力来照顾客户和社区。除了提供其他智能手机和热点数据and launching its most affordable rate plan —T移动Connect— T-Mobile proudly signed onto the FCC’s “Keep Americans Connected Pledge” to ensure postpaid wireless, residential and small business customers impacted by COVID-19 do not lose service. As part of the company’s longstanding commitment to students and youth, T-Mobile has doubled down to rapidly deliver数字学习solutions to more than 500,000 students in over 820 schools and districts and has stepped up to give more than $4 million to organizations like Feeding America, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and local schools to keep vulnerable children safe, cared for and fed while they are out of school. The company has also partnered on other批判性倡议, including committing to provide more than 40,000 phone chargers to hospitals nationwide. For more up to date information about T-Mobile’s COVID-19 response, headhere。您还可以在T-Mobile全年慈善努力中保持最新状态here

T移动U.S. Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) is America’s supercharged Un-carrier, delivering an advanced 4G LTE and transformative nationwide 5G network that will offer reliable connectivity for all. T-Mobile’s customers benefit from its unmatched combination of value and quality, unwavering obsession with offering them the best possible service experience and undisputable drive for disruption that creates competition and innovation in wireless and beyond. Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile, Metro by T-Mobile and Sprint. For more information please visit:http://www.t-mobile.com