T-Mobile将超过100万美元的资金给25个小型Towns Across the Country

T-Mobile将超过100万美元的资金给25个小型Towns Across the Country


2022年3月24日,星期四 - 下午4:45

CONTENT: Press Release

BELLEVUE, Wash., March 24, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Last April, T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) announced T-Mobile Hometown Grants, a $25 million, five-year initiative to support the people and organizations who help small towns across America thrive and grow by providing funding to kickstart important new community development projects. Hometown Grants are given every quarter to up to 25 small towns. Today, we’re excited to announce the next group of 25 Hometown Grant winners:

  • 阿拉巴马州费尔菲尔德。: Repair the swimming pool in the Jerry D. Coleman Community Center which will make it accessible to the entire community; establish a new swim team for our youth and provide water aerobics for our senior citizens.
  • 阿拉巴马州诺斯波特。: Connect visitors and businesses to the history and charm of Downtown Northport with a modern public access Wi-Fi network.
  • 塞尔玛,阿拉巴马州。:Selma的Riverfront Park&Amphitheater地区的重建和激活 - 俯瞰阿拉巴马州河和标志性的Edmund Pettus桥的城市最重要的公园之一。
  • 加利福尼亚州金城。:翻新并改造市区建筑物,以作为未来的游客中心以及小型当地历史博物馆和档案馆。
  • 佛罗里达州威尔士湖。:增强市中心线性公园,创建一个热情的公共聚会空间,并用树木和佛罗里达州友好的植物。
  • 夏威夷的库尼亚村:升级Kunia村社区中心/体育馆的75年历史的电气系统。188bet网址怎么打不开
  • Rexburg, Idaho:在市中心的心脏地带创建一个动态的表演艺术场所,其中包括户外舞台,音乐会照明和环绕声扬声器系统。
  • 洛克岛,疾病。: Install field lighting for youth baseball diamond and multi-purpose field to complete renovation of historic Douglas Park to provide recreation and sports opportunities for the community.
  • 迪卡尔布,生病。: Fund public art projects to enhance community spirit and promote local arts and culture.
  • 爱荷华州费尔菲尔德: Fund the next three slab foundations for the Greater Fairfield Area Habitat for Humanity neighborhood on North 12th Street in Fairfield, Iowa.
  • 剑桥,医学博士。: Fund computers for the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Intergenerational Center that will serve senior citizens, children, individuals with disabilities and residents of the town.
  • Owatonna, Minn.:在Owatonna公共图书馆创建一个新的Makerspace和青少年空间。
  • 门登哈尔,小姐。:在门登哈尔运动plex的步行道上铺平了步行道,并安装四件健身器材,为社区公民提供低影响的有氧运动,以降低肥胖和慢性疾病的速度。188bet网址怎么打不开
  • Taos, N.M.: Revitalize the Taos Center for the Arts’ Gallery courtyard into a multi-factional space that improves access and directs water run-off away from the Gallery into a dry riverbed feature.
  • 纽约州波茨坦村:开发并建造与Ives Park相邻的开放亭。
  • 纽约州波基普西镇:将现有的棒球场之一转换为垒球场,以更好地容纳Poughkeepsie女子小联盟垒球计划。
  • 北卡罗来纳州国王山: Create ADA access points into the garden/program area making the garden open to the public (it is currently a demonstration garden only), a garden shed and a pavilion for programs and activities.
  • 俄克拉荷马州庞卡市。:在庞卡市中心收购和经营合成的溜冰场,资金筹集的资金用于支持其他庞卡市大街倡议,增加旅游业并建立社区联系。188bet网址怎么打不开
  • 宾夕法尼亚州哈特伯勒市镇。:通过座位,照明,新人行道和信息改善该镇的中央广场,以改善该地区的行人设施。
  • Kutztown, Pa.: Build an outdoor fitness court that will be part art gallery, part outdoor gym and point of pride for the community.
  • Hearne, Texas:对史密斯 - 韦尔奇纪念图书馆进行翻新,其中包括公共图书馆设施的内部更新,包括新的平面图,家具,地板等。
  • Los Fresnos, Texas:在牛仔竞技场(Rodeo Grounds)建立一个永久的盖舞台和铺装道路,这将有助于为社区带来更多的音乐会和其他活动。188bet网址怎么打不开
  • 德克萨斯州罗伯斯敦: Enhance local park that will include building the first concrete walking trail with a lighted path to provide an easily accessible, healthy outdoor activity for the community.
  • Kingwood,W。VA。: Create a nature-themed playground along the West Virginia Northern Rail-Trail to encourage outdoor play.
  • Village of Kimberly, Wis.:振兴市中心的走廊,并通过添加花盆,种植鲜花和灌木来保护家乡氛围。

“Since we launched T-Mobile Hometown in April 2021, the Un-carrier has given more than $3.3 million to support projects that are strengthening economic opportunity in small towns in 35 states and it’s been amazing to see how local leaders and businesses are using these funds to transform their communities,” said Jon Freier, President, Consumer Group at T-Mobile. “Today, we’re honored to add another 25 small towns to the list of communities we support, and we look forward to announcing 25 more every quarter through 2026.”


为了选择家乡赠款的接收者,T-Mobile与Main Street America和Smart Growth America合作,这两个组织具有数十年的经验,可以帮助建立更强大,更繁荣的小城镇和农村社区。他们一起根据细节和完整性,潜在的社区影响,项目生存能力和其他因素来评估小镇的应用。188bet网址怎么打不开

"The T-Mobile Hometown Grants provided to these communities represent a commitment to investing in historic assets, community gathering places, and the expansion of facilities and technologies for residents,” said Smart Growth America’s President and CEO Calvin Gladney. “Smart Growth America applauds these efforts as we continue to support scores of towns and cities in rural places."

“We’re proud to work with T-Mobile and Smart Growth America to support these innovative projects in rural communities across the country” said Main Street America’s President and CEO Patrice Frey. “These grant recipients represent the creativity and passion for place we’ve long seen in Main Street communities, and we are excited to see how the projects positively impact these areas in the coming years.”

Commitment to Rural America
Hometown Grants are part of the Un-carrier’s massive 5-year commitment announced in April 2021 to bring 5G to rural America, open hundreds of new stores and support economic development in small towns by providing $25 million in funding. In addition, the Un-carrier unleashed T-Mobile Home Internet, a new broadband service available to more than 10 million rural households across the country.


For full details on how to submit a proposal for Hometown Grants, visithttps://www.t-mobile.com/brand/hometown-grant.

For more information about T-Mobile's commitment to small towns, visitt-mobile.com/acrossamerica.

关注T-Mobile的官方Twitter新闻编辑室@TMobileNewsto stay up to date with the latest company news.


T-Mobile U.S. Inc.(NASDAQ:TMUS)是美国的增压UN-CARRIRE,它提供了高级4G LTE和变革性的全国5G网络,可为所有人提供可靠的连接。T-Mobile的客户受益于其价值和质量无与伦比的组合,坚定不移的痴迷,为他们提供了最佳的服务体验和无可争议的破坏驱动力,从而创造了无线及以后的竞争和创新。T-Mobile总部位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤(Bellevue),通过其子公司提供服务,并经188bet上不了营其旗舰品牌T-Mobile,T-Mobile和Sprint的Metro。有关更多信息,请访问: https://www.t-mobile.com.

美国大街(Main Street America)已帮助振兴了40多年来的老年和历史悠久的商业区。如今,它是一个由农村和城市的1,200多个社区和社区组成的网络,他们既有承诺,也可以通过基于保护的经济发展来构成地位和建立更强大的社区。自1980年以来,参加该计划的社区已利用超过895.7亿美元进行新的公共和私人投资,产生了687,321个净新工作岗位和154,435个新业务净新业务,并修复了303,836多个建筑物。美国Main Street America是一个非营利性国家大街中心的计划,该中心是国家历史保护信托基金会的子公司。有关更多信息,请访问www.mainstreet.org.

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