T-Mobile Pride的聚光灯:我是倡导者

T-Mobile Pride的聚光灯:我是倡导者





对于T-Mobile Colorado Springs客户体验中心188bet网址怎么打不开的社区专家Jason Bayless(他们/他们)来说,他们的倡导源于与以前的雇主的痛苦经历,并希望回馈那些向他们展示真正倡导的人。

杰森说:“我从T-Mobile开始的原因,这就是我听到很多人说他们在T-Mobile的原因,是因为这是他们能够真正成为自己的地方。”“Not embracing that and not stepping out of what for me personally had been a very easy bubble of just passing — that wasn’t being true to myself because I was not giving back what this company had given me, and it’s not helping to pave the way forward for other people.”




While Jen Palmer says most all of T-Mobile’s properties, including its headquarters, call centers and retail locations, have genderless bathroom options, the company’s gender transition guide and employee handbook also state clearly that “all employees should have access to restrooms that correspond to their gender identity” and that “employees should determine the most appropriate option for themselves.” It’s a policy Jason says they never had before, and the lack of that protected inclusivity caused very public derision.

“Once in a meeting at another company I was very pointedly told by upper management in front of everyone that I was not allowed to go into the restroom that I actually identified as, because that’s not what it showed on my birth records,” recounts Jason. “It's not what showed on my ID. And if I did not agree with it, there was the door. These people that I’d worked with for years, looked me in the eye and then literally physically pointed at the door. I was broken.”



听到几位变性人T -Mobile员工讨论骄傲月对他们意味着什么时。