T. Rowe Price: Parents Are Likely to Pass Down Good and Bad Financial Habits to Their Kids

T. Rowe Price: Parents Are Likely to Pass Down Good and Bad Financial Habits to Their Kids

Parents who let kids manage their own money are more likely to have kids who save their money and tell the truth about how it was spent


Kids Who Manage Their Own Money Have Better Money Habits

2017年3月23日,星期四 - 上午11:00

活动:Building Financial Capability in Communities

CONTENT: Press Release


T. Rowe Price’s 2017父母,孩子和金钱调查,在全国范围内采样了1,014名8至14岁的父母,他们的孩子分析了与孩子的财务习惯相关的父母态度和行为。调查发现,孩子的积极行为和期望通常与父母决定让孩子决定如何自行储蓄和花钱以及建模良好的财务习惯有关。相反,当父母拥有金钱历史上令人不安的历史时,更经常看到孩子中的财务习惯。

T. Rowe Price的高级财务计划师,三个孩子的父亲罗杰·杨(Roger Young)说:“有自由管理自己的钱的孩子似乎拥有更好的钱行为,并且对父母的花费更为真实。”“我亲身知道直升机育儿的诱惑,但是在金钱方面,这种方法有缺点。四分之三以上的孩子管理自己的钱,说他们与父母进行了金钱对话。给他们现实生活中的金钱经验带来了概念上的财务,并将其付诸实践。

“We know that kids’ money habits are formed before they get to high school and that their parents are often their most influential teachers. It’s unsurprising, but still saddening, that parents with troubling money habits seem to be passing them on to their kids. These parents are hit with the double consequences of their own financial mistakes and the prospect that their kids may be set up to relive them.

“To prevent this, parents may want to consider openly discussing their finances with their kids—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Kids who are aware of their parents’ bankruptcy are more than twice as likely to say that they are very or extremely smart about money compared with those who weren’t aware of it (68% vs. 30%). So I don’t think they are destined to follow in their parents’ footsteps,” says Mr. Young.

T. Rowe Price通过每周与他们谈论金钱问题来鼓励父母投资孩子的未来。调查发现,每周至少与孩子讨论财务主题的父母更有可能让孩子说自己对金钱很聪明(64%比41%)。父母用来发起金钱对话的经常主题包括:







Kids' Good Money Habits Start with Conversations and Managing Their Own Money

  • 管理自己的钱的孩子有更好的金钱习惯:44%的父母让孩子决定如何自行储蓄和花钱。与不给孩子控制的孩子相比,那些让他们管理金钱的人是较少的likelyto have kids who:
    • Spend their money as soon as they get it (40% vs. 53%)
    • Have lied to their parents about what they spent their money on (29% vs. 49%)
    • 期望他们的父母购买他们想要的东西(52%比65%)
    • 感到羞愧,因为他们比其他孩子少(30%比50%)
  • Kids who manage their own money discuss money more:They are更多的likely这样说:
    • 他们与父母谈论金钱(76%比70%)
    • They have learned about money from their grandparents (55% vs. 44%), teachers (45% vs. 37%), or other family members (32% vs. 22%)
  • Many parents still have some reluctance to discuss financial matters:69% of parents have some reluctance to discuss money matters. And 61% of parents only discuss money with their kids when their kids ask about it.
  • When parents model good money habits, kids notice:39%的父母至少有三种储蓄(即退休储蓄,紧急基金,大学储蓄或为另一个目标节省的钱)。这些父母更有可能有节省钱的孩子(98%比86%),并与父母谈论了钱(83%比66%)。他们也是不太可能to:
    • 他们一收到钱(40%比52%)就花钱
    • 对父母撒谎,他们花了钱(34%比43%)


  • Parents’ bankruptcy affects kids:19%的调查受访者宣布他们一生中的某个时刻破产。与尚未宣布破产的父母相比更多的likelyto have kids who:
    • 不要节省他们收到的任何钱(16%比6%)
    • Usually spend money as soon as they get it (71% vs. 42%)
    • 期望他们的父母购买他们想要的东西(72%比56%)
  • 对于宣布破产的父母来说,金钱是一个困难的话题:69%的孩子知道父母宣布破产。但是,与尚未宣布破产的人相比,父母说他们非常或非常不愿意与孩子讨论财务状况的可能性是两倍以上(44%比20%)。此外,他们的孩子是更多的likely说:
    • Their parents sometimes confuse them when they talk about money (76% vs. 51%)
    • 他们的父母告诉他们金钱有时与他们在学校听到的内容不同(70%比53%)
  • 大量信用卡债务也会影响孩子:53% of all respondents have credit card debt, and within that group, 48% have $5,000 or more in credit card debt. While the effects are less pronounced compared with families who have experienced bankruptcy, similar trends are seen. Compared with parents who do not have at least $5,000 in credit card debt, those who do are更多的likelyto have kids who:
    • 通常在他们一收到钱(58%比44%)时就花钱
    • 期望他们的父母购买他们想要的东西(65%比57%)
  • Parents with significant credit card debt are also more reluctant to discuss money:Compared with parents who do not have more than $5,000 in credit card debt, parents with $5,000 or more in credit card debt are更多的likely要说他们非常或非常不愿意与孩子讨论财务状况(35%比21%)。此外,他们的孩子是更多的likely说:
    • 他们的父母在谈论金钱时有时会混淆他们(67%比51%)
    • 他们的父母告诉他们金钱有时与他们在学校听到的内容不同(65%比53%)

The Compounding Effect of Bad Money Habits

  • 有障碍的财务习惯的父母更有可能从退休储蓄中赚钱:44% of all respondents have pulled money from their retirement savings during the past two years. But parents who have declared bankruptcy at some point in their lives are twice as likely to have recently pulled from retirement savings (74% vs. 37%). Similarly, parents with $5,000 or more in credit card debt are significantly more likely to have pulled money from retirement (62% vs. 37%).
  • 他们也更有可能从孩子的大学储蓄中赚钱:在某个时候宣布破产的父母在过去两年中从孩子的大学储蓄中赚钱的可能性是两倍以上(69%比25%)。同样,最近有超过5,000美元的信用卡债务的父母最近从孩子的大学储蓄中赚钱的可能性更大(50%比26%)。
  • 有麻烦的财务习惯的父母更有可能拥有其他债务:当前宣布个人破产的父母目前更有可能拥有超过5,000美元的信用卡债务(68%比42%)。他们拥有发薪日贷款的可能性也两倍多(22%比10%)。


第九届年度T. Rowe价格父母,孩子和金钱调查,由研究现在进行,旨在了解8至14岁的孩子的父母及其8至14岁的孩子的基本财务知识,态度和行为。该调查是从2017年1月18日到2017年1月26日进行的。,样本量为1,014个父母和1,014名8至14岁的孩子。错误的边距为+/- 3.1个百分点。亚组(例如男孩与女孩)之间进行的所有统计测试均以95%的置信度进行。报告仅包括在此级别上具有统计学意义的发现。

关于T. Rowe Price

截至2016年12月31日次要服务,以及针对个人和188bet上不了机构投资者,退休计划和金融中介机构的单独帐户管理。该公司还提供各种复杂的投资计划和指导工具。T. Rowe Price的纪律严明,风险感知的投资方法着重于多元化,风格一致性和基本研究。有关更多信息,请访问troweprice.comor our推特,YouTube,LinkedIn, 和Facebook站点。


希瑟·麦克唐纳(Heather McDonold)

T. Rowe Price



萨曼莎·温格罗夫(Samantha Wingrove)




类别: 教育