TD Bank Group Helps Build Green Infrastructure in Miami to Improve Climate Resiliency

Jul 31, 2017 2:15 PM ET

Recent studieshave shown that residents in Florida may be more at risk from climate change than any other state in the United States. Miami-Dade County, in particular, has faced great challenges with flooding, impacting infrastructure and costing immeasurable damages to residents, businesses and government.

TD Bank Group recognizes the importance of investing in the development of urban green infrastructure to help mitigate climate-related risks. In 2016, TD donated $850,000 to The Trust for Public Land to install Fitness Zones in five Miami-Dade County parks over three years. The new Fitness Zones will act as both accessible outdoor gyms and flood protection zones that will feature rain gardens to absorb excess water and permeable pavement to reduce flooding.

WhileTD invests in many projects to move the dial towards a low-carbon economy, the bank is also committed to supporting projects that develop green infrastructure and help improve cities' resiliency in the face of climate change. Working with community and environmental organizations is instrumental in furthering climate change research, mitigating risks and developing strong, sustainable solutions.

To learn more about TD's climate change strategy, visit