Terra Limpa团队旨在振兴安哥拉的农业;赢得摩根士丹利的可持续投资挑战

Terra Limpa团队旨在振兴安哥拉的农业;赢得摩根士丹利的可持续投资挑战

2016年4月15日,星期五 - 下午3:35


纽约和香港,2016年4月15日 / 3BL Media / - 摩根士丹利的可持续投资研究所和西北大学的凯洛格管理学院今天宣布,Terra Limpa被评为2016年Morgan Stanley可持续投资挑战的冠军。Comprised of students from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, the team was one of 10 finalist teams competing in the Challenge at Morgan Stanley’s Hong Kong offices on Friday, April 15. Terra Limpa’s idea focuses on increasing private investment in agriculture in Angola to revitalize land productivity, eliminate landmines, and create a new class of smallholder farmers.

Founded by Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in 2011, Morgan Stanley’s Institute for Sustainable Investing and Kellogg School present the Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge each year, creating an opportunity to inspire future leaders to develop new financial ideas on how to address sustainability issues at scale. The 10 finalist teams were selected from 104 investment prospectuses targeting sustainability issues in 32 countries. Each submission included strong ideas that clearly articulated a significant problem in a local, national or regional community, a potential solution, and an investment model that could finance the solution at scale with measurable, direct outcomes and a target of market-rate financial returns.

“The students participating in the Sustainable Investing Challenge exemplify the next generation of leaders who will continue to push boundaries and develop and implement inspiring, innovative investment vehicles to address pressing social and environmental issues,” said Audrey Choi, CEO of Morgan Stanley’s Institute for Sustainable Investing. “We are at a critical moment where integrating environmental, social and governance considerations into quality investment strategies is not only considered acceptable but is essential to judicious investing and value creation.”

获胜团队由Ryan Alam,Suzana Amoes和Megan Strawther组成。今年的亚军是弗吉尼亚大学达登商学院的红丝带基金。团队成员包括Andrea Barrios,Samuel Chen和Diego Oliveira。

“我们很高兴与摩根士丹利合作,以确定改善和发展可持续投资解决方案的最佳项目。今年的赢家Terra Limpa及其小型农业项目表明,凯洛格的信念是,业务可以并且将带来改善可持续性和人类成果的道路。”金博宝怎么注册“社会影响已编织成凯洛格的结构,它塑造了学生体验的各个方面,包括课程产品,体验式学习,学术研究和职业服务。”188bet上不了




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