Tech Companies Take Down 3 Million Online Listings for Trafficked Wildlife

Tech Companies Take Down 3 Million Online Listings for Trafficked Wildlife

Monday, March 2, 2020 - 10:00am

CONTENT: Press Release

WASHINGTON, March 2, 2020/3BL Media/- 在线技术公司结束在线野生动植物贩运的联盟reported removing or blocking over 3 million listings for endangered and threatened species and associated products from their online platforms to date. These listings included live tigers, reptiles, primates and birds for the exotic pet trade, as well as products derived from species like elephants, pangolins and marine turtles.


“eBay has been fighting online wildlife trafficking on our marketplace for over a decade,” said Mike Carson, Director of Global Policy and Regulatory Management at eBay. “We’re collaborating with government agencies, NGOs, industry peers and members of the eBay community to help us enforce our Animal and Wildlife Products policy in alignment with the Coalition’s wildlife policy framework, and it’s working. In 2019, we blocked or removed over 165,000 listings globally that are prohibited under this policy.”

The Coalition’s progress has resulted from strengthened wildlife policies, an increase in staff ability to detect potential illegal wildlife products and live wild animals, regular monitoring and data sharing from wildlife experts, reports sent in by volunteers through the Coalition’s Wildlife Cyber Spotter Program, enhanced algorithms—thanks to key search word monitoring and collation—and shared learning.

“Criminal networks are taking advantage of internet platforms at the expense of the rarest species nature has to offer,” said Crawford Allan, Senior Director for TRAFFIC at WWF. “But the vastness of the internet presents a challenge for law enforcement to regulate. The online companies in our Coalition now have the smarts and tools to fight back against wildlife trafficking online, and can help ease the burden on law enforcement.”


国际野生动物犯罪的国际项目经理塔尼亚·麦克雷亚·斯泰勒(Tania McCrea Steele)表示,“团结在线技术公司对于打击野生动植物网络犯罪至关重要,因为野生动植物贩运者正在滥用互联网的匿名性来利用濒危野生动植物。可悲的是,您可以在智能手机上找到大象象牙,穿衣鳞片,活的老虎幼崽,活鸟和爬行动物等等。在线技术公司是解决方案的核心部分,因为他们能够在空前的全球规模上工作并破坏非法野生动植物贩运。”




WWF, IFAW and TRAFFIC train citizen science volunteers on how to identify prohibited wildlife products online through the Coalition’s Wildlife Cyber Spotter Program. So far, Coalition Cyber Spotters in the U.S., Germany and Singapore have flagged over 4,000 prohibited listings for sale online. These listings have been removed in real time by Coalition company enforcement teams. Through the program, Cyber Spotters have helped uncover new seller keywords and identify wildlife trafficking trends that have helped companies’ ongoing monitoring efforts.




伊丽莎白·戴维斯(Elizabeth Davis),世界自然基金会(202)495-4415,

Richard Thomas, TRAFFIC +44 7921309176,

Rodger Correa, IFAW, (202) 834-6637,


The Coalition is comprised of 34 companies including Alibaba, Artron, Baidu, Baixing, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Google, Huaxia Collection, Hantang Collection, Instagram, Kuaishou, Kupatana, Mall for Africa, Leboncoin, letgo, Microsoft, OfferUp, OLX, Pinterest, Qyer, Rakuten, Ruby Lane, Sapo, Shengshi Collection, Sina Weibo, Sougou, Tencent, Tortoise Friends, Wen Wan Tian Xia, Zhong Hua Gu Wan, Zhongyikupai, Zhuanzhuan and 58 Group and jointly convened by WWF, TRAFFIC and IFAW.


世界自然基金会是世界领先的保护组织之一,在100个国家 /地区工作了半个多世纪。在全球超过500万成员的支持下,世界自然基金会致力于提供基于科学的解决方案,以保护地球上的多样性和丰富性,停止环境的退化并打击气候变化。访问www.worldwildlife.orgto learn more and keep up with the latest conservation news by following@wwfnews在Twitter上。


TRAFFIC is a leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development whose mission is to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature. More information

关于International Fund for Animal Welfare

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)是一家全球非营利组织,帮助动物和人一起蓬勃发展。我们是专家和日常人,在全球范围内以及全球40多个国家 /地区工作。我们营救,修复和释放动物,并恢复和保护其自然栖息地。我们遇到的问题是紧迫而复杂的。为了解决它们,我们将新的思维与大胆的动作相匹配。我们与当地社区,政府,非政府组织和企业合作。我们一起开创了新的和创新的方法来帮助所有物种蓬勃发展。看看如何

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