

迈克·贝茨(Mike Bates)|英特尔公司的全球能源总经理

Intel Corporation has built solar parking structures at its Ocotillo, Arizona campus to keep employees’ cars shaded and generate solar power. (Credit: Intel Corporation)



CONTENT: Article


These problems aren’t limited to Texas. As I write this, devastating wildfires along the West Coast are threatening the power supply of millions more and forcing the energy system to adapt fast. We’re seeing more frequent severe weather events due to the impacts of climate change.

When crises strike, one of the most important elements for recovery is reliable power. However, our outdated energy grid lacks the ability to direct energy where it is needed most during these crises. Instead, current solutions to mitigate the outdated grid include turning off energy lines and implementing rolling blackouts to avoid further devastation. But those solutions are unsustainable, archaic and of little comfort if you’re reduced to boiling water over an open fire.

The current energy grid structure is vulnerable and difficult for providers to navigate. It was built to support a one-way flow of mostly carbon-based power from centralized sources. It doesn’t have the ability to quickly pivot in times of need or to support the 100% renewable energy critical to meet global climate goals like President Biden’s proposal to create acarbon pollution-free power sector by 2035


Increased Usage of Renewable Energy Sources




Intel Technology as the Key Enabler for Smart Grid Solutions


Currently, utility operations have layers of applications that have been added over time and do not always work cohesively. Our software-defined technology consolidates these applications into a single platform while also supporting new energy workloads, like enabling clean sources distributed at the edge of the grid. This platform includes AI-enabled decision-making to sense and learn optimal load balancing across a distributed set of intermittent, clean energy resources. A containerized approach ensures the applications remain isolated and secure. This platform reduces capital costs by avoiding waste and distributing energy in the most efficient way possible. It also reduces operating costs by offering insight into each substation and supporting predictive maintenance.


英特尔一直在与全球政府,企业和公用事业公司合作,以实施这些智能电网解决方案。在欧洲,我们正在与八个主要电力公用事业公司合作,开发一个灵活的,易于管理的智能电网,称为Edge for Smart Secondary Substation (E4S) Alliance。在美国,我们正在与南加州爱迪生(Edison)合作,将电代电后继电器转变为虚拟化应用程序 - 降低部署和维护成本,同时提供网络安全服务,从而获得更灵活,安全和现代的网格。188bet上不了在马来西亚,我们正在与Tenaga Nasional Berhad合作就其电网的数字化,重点是虚拟化计算基础架构以及变电站和网格系统的应用。

Increasing renewable energy consumption and enabling clean energy options is a key part of the sustainability pillar in Intel’s上升策略,但是重新发明网格是一个挑战,太大了,无法独自解决。通过利用我们的综合技术和独特的能力来召集公用事业,政府和技术的生态系统,我们可以改变全球的能源网格,并为所有人带来可靠,可再生的能力。