Tetra Tech高性能建筑物小组模拟使用创新的Apple IOS应用程序构建声学

Tetra Tech高性能建筑物小组模拟使用创新的Apple IOS应用程序构建声学

Developing an iOS application that assists clients by simulating how a room will sound according to various physical parameters and noise types

Friday, March 25, 2022 - 8:00am


CONTENT: Article

Tetra Tech的高性能建筑声学团队因开发iOS应用程序而获得了Tetra Tech的技术成就,获得了Tetra Tech的2021年卓越和成就奖,该应用程序通过模拟房间根据各种物理参数和噪声类型的声音来帮助客户。

声学团队成员Arif Zaher,Tim Beresford,Jack Wong和Jeffery Chen开发了AIHEAR®应用程序,该应用程序可以模拟内部或外部噪音输入,例如脚步,道路交通,飞机,飞机以及固定来源,例如人们将服务设备交谈或建立服务设备进入188bet上不了用户可以实时体验和操纵的声音和图形。要使用该应用程序,用户戴上耳机,并通过在查看匹配的增强现实图形时收听准确的音频样本来体验物理空间。然后,用户可以调整各种空间和架构声学参数,并听到实时应用的治疗差异。例如,在听到建筑物中相邻楼层的模拟声音后,客户可能会要求以声音天花板屏障的形式进行其他建筑声学处理,以减轻噪音。


环境商业杂志认出了Aihear团队2021 Technology Merit award对于声学工程的创新方法,用于使用该技术来协助声学工程。

Making Expert Acoustic Advice Accessible with AiHear

使用此应用程序要比传统演示文稿要快得多,该演示通常在专用的听力室设置或虚拟现实耳机中使用放大的扬声器。它还提供了潜在的成本节省,并在施工过程中减轻了潜在的返工。Tetra Tech高性能建筑集团是该行业第一个为客户提供这种创新,节省成本的技术的公司。

The application makes acoustic advice accessible to even novice users, enabling them to easily experience and quickly manipulate alternative configurations and finishes for different rooms. This simplifies and reduces consultation time while still supporting informed decisions. The tool can provide guidance to clients on appropriate acoustic criteria and inform their decision-making process, again reducing the time and risk around making costly decisions.


A hotel client recently used AiHear to determine the need for an acoustic ceiling within a plantroom. During the design process, the acoustic engineering team and the client had undertaken several meetings and discussions spanning approximately a month to decide if the ceiling was required. It was not until the client could virtually experience the sound in the guest room above the plantroom that they decided to go ahead with an acoustic ceiling.


类别: 创新与技术