There Is Still Time - Customers Behind on Energy Bills Act Now to Prevent Disconnection
There Is Still Time - Customers Behind on Energy Bills Act Now to Prevent Disconnection
新泽西州纽瓦克,2022年3月15日 / 3BL媒体 / - 未付款的冬季暂停暂停暂停连接于2022年3月15日。尚未申请能源援助或PSE&G付款计划的余额。非付款的服务断开始终是最后的手段。账单上落后的客户现在需要采取行动,以保护其能源服务免受断开连接。
PSE&G客户服务计费总监Jane Bergen说:“我们永远不想出于任何原因关闭客户的电动或天然气服务,我们了解大流行造成的巨大财务困境。”“我们已经准备好并愿意与落后的客户合作。我们提供更灵活的付款安排。”
If you are at risk of service disconnection, contact PSE&G immediately to set up a deferred payment arrangement. call 800-357-2262. This action will protect your energy service from being disconnected. If you have recently applied for New Jersey's energy payment assistance programs, customersmust inform您最近通过电子邮件申请的PSE&G凭证@pseg.comand provide the following information: account number, name of the assistance program to which you applied and how you applied and either the confirmation number or the name of the social services agency. This will protect your account from disconnection for 90 days while the applications are processed.
"For the past two years, PSE&G has been raising awareness about energy payment assistance, partnering with social service agencies, educating customers and offering support to ensure our customers take full advantage of the financial assistant programs available to them," Bergen said. "We're slowly starting to see our customers take action to protect their energy service from disconnection and apply for financial assistance."
Customers are beginning to take action:在过去的一个月中,PSE&G的客户服务线路和访问客户服务中心的电话已大大增加。预计呼叫量的增加,该公用事业计划将可用的代理商数量增加一倍,以支持电话中的客户。本周,我们开设了所有客户服务中心,为客户提供个人帮助。注册DPA的最有效方法是对我们的PSE&G的网站登录
Don’t be a scam victim:公用事业骗局对我们的客户构成了真正的威胁。冒名顶替者将使用公用事业收集活动的恢复,并联系PSE&G客户,要求立即付款和威胁服务断开连接。在此处了解有关保护自己免受公用事业骗局的更多信息
收集过程:Before disconnecting a customer’s electric or natural gas service, a PSE&G representative will attempt to contact the customer of record to allow the customer to address their outstanding bill. If utility service is disconnected, PSE&G will leave a door hanger with information on how customers can address their outstanding balance to restore their service as quickly as possible.
Safety is our top priority:The disconnection of utility service for non-payment is upsetting and disruptive to everyone involved. Interfering with a utility worker while performing their job responsibilities is a crime. Under New Jersey's criminal code, utility workers are provided with the same enhanced protections as first responders. This special protection will automatically change a charge of simple assault against a utility worker to aggravated assault, which is an indictable crime.
PSE&G付款安排:800-357-2262 or PSE&G is offering flexible payment options and deferred payment arrangements (DPAs).
通用服务基金(USF):800-510-3102或 USF includes an energy-debt forgiveness program called全新的开始that can eliminate your past due balance. If you apply for USF, you are自动注册在新开始。
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(liheap):800-510-3102或
NJ SHARES (NJS):866-NJSHARES(657-4273)或
New Jersey Lifeline:800-792-9745 or
Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSE&G) is New Jersey’s oldest and largest gas and electric delivery public utility, serving three-quarters of the state’s population. PSE&G is the winner of the ReliabilityOne Award for superior electric system reliability in the Mid-Atlantic region. In 2020, PSE&G was named the most trusted combined gas & electric utility in the East Region, by the Cogent Syndicated Brand Trust Index. PSE&G is a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (PSEG) (NYSE:PEG), a diversified energy company. PSEG has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for North America for 14 consecutive years (
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