
网络研讨会是艺术和文化计划与马克·汉娜(Mark Hanna)之间的合作,遵循2月的对话,《珠宝行业:净零净值》的观点。

2022年4月13日 / 3BL媒体 / - 人类活动产生的温室气体导致地球的温度升高,从而产生了多米诺骨牌效应,使领导者正在努力缓解全球。在贵金属,宝石和珠宝部门中,气候变化是一个持续的挑战,需要更多公司实施测量排放和碳足迹的协议和方法。2022年4月20日,美国东部时间12:15-1:45 pm,《艺术与文化计划》和马克·汉娜(Mark Hanna)将举办网络研讨会,“气候与贵金属行业:定义和衡量您的排放足迹”,这是第三次对话,在这十年的行动中致力于气候的一系列。行业专家将讨论计算排放以实现基于科学目标的排放。

该小组将涵盖广泛范围的排放,涵盖公司拥有和公司控制的资源,间接排放以及购买能源的排放以及与公司运营有关的间接排放。艺术和文化倡议总裁丽莎·科尼格斯伯格(Lisa Koenigsberg)说:“气候变化是我们时代的紧迫性。能够应对这一挑战需要了解定义,测量方法和基于科学的目标。在本网络研讨会中,我们的目标是共享这些关键信息,以便个人可以对要减轻我们星球面临的危险的行动有一种理解。”

该小组将提供:Tobias Schultz,SCS Global Services研究与开发副总裁;188bet上不了约翰·穆里根(John Mulligan)Director and Climate Change Lead, The World Gold Council (WGC); and will be co-moderated byMark Hanna,Chief Marketing Officer, Richline Group Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway Company, and丽莎·科尼格斯伯格(Lisa Koenigsberg),President and Founder, Initiatives in Art and Culture (IAC). Tobias Schultz leads a team of scientists and innovators in developing science-based sustainability standards and services to support global climate mitigation and ESG corporate best practices, including the development of a standardized process to trace the diamond provenance and an approach to climate accounting, which enables corporations to mitigate short-lived climate pollutants. Mulligan is focused on research-led projects to advance the understanding of gold's wider socio-economic and sustainability impacts, currently leading the World Gold Council’s initiatives on gold and climate change. Hanna has worked over 50 years in the jewelry industry, with experience in management, manufacturing, marketing, sales and corporate responsibility. Koenigsberg established Initiatives in Art and Culture’s multi-disciplinary conference series on visual culture, notably those that focus on gold and diamonds and explore the nexus between natural resources, artisanry, sustainability and responsible practice.

The Boldly Building the Future Series offers conversations aimed at global transformation. Emissions measurements are used to discern the importance of a given source, in relation to other sources, and to assess the performance of control strategies. Their understanding and implementation are critical, allowing governments and businesses to undertake solving the global climate emergency. The expertise and insights shared by knowledgeable authorities during this conversation ensures that the webinar will enlighten even the most seasoned industry veterans.

Mark Hanna, Chief Marketing Officer of Richline Group, says, “Climate impact management has gone from ‘nice to have’ to ‘must-have’, and the roadmap to priority is the materiality of a company’s strategy and financial success.”

During the conversation, Schultz, Mulligan,,,,Hanna, and Koenigsberg will define sources for attendees, as well as options for measuring emissions. Speakers will discuss how they and their companies measure emissions and how those numbers have become a call to further action. Through reporting, companies take the first step towards managing their environmental footprint.

All those participating in the jewelry supply chain are encouraged to join this virtual tour de force of methodology sharing and innovative thinking, in support of our planet and its resources. For complimentary registration to attend “Climate and the Precious Metals Industry: Defining and Measuring Your Emissions Footprint”click here.The virtual event is sponsored by Richline Group, Sustainability Sherpas, and Initiatives in Art and Culture. To learn more about Initiatives in Art and Culture, visithttp://artinitiatives.com,致电646-485-1952或电子邮件info@artinitatives.com。For press or media coverage inquiries, images, additional speaker quotes, or interviews, contact Pietra Communications at 212-913-9761 or emailinfo@pietrapr.com

关于Initiatives in Art and Culture


IAC’s primary activities are conferences, webinars, publications, and exhibitions that take an interdisciplinary approach, considering issues related to fabrication, connoisseurship, cultural patrimony and preservation, and the future of culture. IAC’s projects have been supported by a wide array of individual, corporate, and foundation funders.