Service of Service™计划于1992年首次启动,每年为全职员工提供高达40个付费社区服务时间。188bet网址怎么打不开去年,该博士工厂的32名员工为所有可用时间提供服务,并赢得了Timberland尊敬的40俱乐部的会员资格。自2009年以来,Timberland的40年代俱乐部已认可全球员工,他们一年内为所有可用的服务时间提供服务。博士抓住了这个机会上班和服务的机会。一天中,志愿者在康斯坦扎的Valle Nuevo Park的一个被烧毁的地区种植了700棵树。他们还与同事的志愿者联手VF Corporation品牌家庭成员,Vans, to donate shoes and spend time with the kids served by the organization孩子还活着。
“This year’s 40’s Club member celebration was designed not only to reward and recognize our employees who made the time to serve all of their hours, but also to reinforce and grow the culture of service in the factory,” said全球管家Eder Diaz. “The more employees serve together and enjoy their experiences, the more they will support and help drive engagement in future events.”
“在制造环境中,要平衡业务需求与我们对社区的热情平衡的挑战,”蒂姆伯兰社区服务经理杰森·叶片(Jason Blades)参加了最近40年代俱乐部庆典活动。188bet网址怎么打不开“在DR的最大员工人口中,我们有很大的机会对社区产生积极影响。188bet网址怎么打不开我赞扬我们的全球医生的创新,后者不断寻求并为员工创造机会,我期待看到40年代俱乐部的会员资格继续增长。”
To learn more about how Timberland is making a difference in terms of its products, the outdoors and the communities it serves, visit:https://www.timberland.com/responsibility.html。