Timberland国家社区参与经理Jason Blades说:“尽管今年已经搁置了许多重要的传统,但我们很高兴能继续进行Serv-A-Palooza进行修改以适应时代。”188bet网址怎么打不开“许多社区组188bet网址怎么打不开织现在比以往任何时候都需要帮助,我们的员工渴望服务和帮助。作为活动策划者,我们需要确保Timberland志愿者可以戴上靴子,从而对我们的团队和社区都具有影响力和安全的方式有所作为。”188bet网址怎么打不开
For the in-person Serv-a-palooza projects, headquarters employee volunteers painted, landscaped, sorted and photographed clothing donations, cleaned program spaces and prepared a growing garden for winter. They supported several local organizations including:女孩在工作,,,,Groundwork Lawrence,,,,不常见的线程,,,,New Generation,,,,Seacoast家庭承诺and Timberland’s own胜利花园生长和捐赠生产以利益Gather,将滋养和新鲜食物分配给有需要的当地家庭。
Instead of hosting teams of 50-100 volunteers at multiple service sites, as Timberland has done at its global brand headquarters in Stratham, NH in the past, this year’s projects occurred over multiple days in small groups of ten volunteers or fewer. Volunteers served outdoors or in well-ventilated and spaced settings, in full-day or half-day shifts, and adhered to safety protocols that included social distancing, wearing masks, assigned vs. shared tools and recommendations for frequent hand washing.
Meanwhile, other locations in Timberland’s global network plan to host or have already hosted Serv-a-palooza events as their local COVID-19 guidelines allow. Most recently, small teams of employee volunteers in Vietnam and in China refurbished local schools in their communities.
作为Timberland对更强大社区长达数十年的承诺的一部分,该品牌的Service of Service™计划(如今已有28年的实力稳定)为全职员工提供了每年最多40个薪水小时,以服务于其社区。Serv-a-Palooza是每年有两个专门的全球服务日林地主持人之一。另一个是地球日,重点是城市绿化和环境项目。除了有组织的服务日外,鼓励员工独立或以较小的团队自愿参加,以自己的激情方式说话。
To learn more about Timberland’s commitment to better product, stronger communities and a greener future, visit the brand’s责任网站。