Timberland Invites Consumers to Support COVID-19 Relief Efforts

Timberland Invites Consumers to Support COVID-19 Relief Efforts






Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 8:15am

活动:Timberland’s Commitment to Community


April 8, 2020 /3BL Media/ - Global outdoor lifestyle brandTimberland呼吁全球消费者加入Timberland及其母公司VF Corporation,以支持GlobalGiving Coronavirus Relief Fund。VF基金会是由VF资助的私人赠款组织,最初的捐款为150万美元,将二对一与所有消费者捐款相匹配,额外提供500,000美元。


“我们相信自然的力量和人性的力量 - 在这样的时代,我们迫使我们支持我们的社区并保护我们所爱的人,” Timberland社区参与的高级经理亚特兰大·麦克尔维斯(Atlanta McIlwraith)说。188bet网址怎么打不开“通过这场比赛,所有捐款的捐款将两倍,我们能够为我们的扩展社区提供一种有意义的方式来扩大他们的积极影响并帮助全世界有需要的人。”188bet网址怎么打不开

这场耗资500,000美元的比赛是更大的VF基金会拨款策略的一部分,其中包括150万美元,以支持科罗拉多Covid-19救济基金,CDC基金会紧急响应基金和COVID-19 Solidarity响应基金。VF基金会的赠款合作伙伴GlobalGiving策略性地支持了解决全球国家和社区最大社区需求的组织。188bet网址怎么打不开点击这里了解更多。

在基层上,林地还支持其在新罕布什尔州斯特拉瑟姆的全球总部的响应工作。该品牌最近将2,000份PPE物品(包括N95口罩和硝化机手套)提供给了当地的城镇以进行分发。本周,Timberland Pro将在纽约皇后区的Elmhurst医疗中心的前线上向医护人员提供850双Renova护理鞋。

Timberland also initiated a “Serve Safely from Home” campaign, encouraging employees to use their Path of Service™ community service hours to support the local community. These efforts have resulted in 375 hand-sewn masks for local senior centers, as well as artwork and cards of encouragement made by employees and their children to brighten residents’ rooms at the nearby Riverside Rest Home.

“These days in particular, it can be lonely for seniors at the Riverside Rest Home and other facilities that can no longer receive visitors,” said Jason Blades, Community Engagement Manager for Timberland. “As human beings we need connection with others, and many of us are seeking ways to make a difference and engage our kids. These two projects enabled our employees to help make it better for others from the safety of their homes.”

通过Timberland的Service of Service™计划,员工最多可以在社区中服务40个小时的带薪时间。要了解有关Timberland对更强大社区的整体承诺的更多信息,请点击这里