Timberland与联合国大会合作,以打击荒漠化和世界银行集团的连接4 Climate,以支持大绿墙


N.H. Stratham,2019年9月27日 - 全球户外生活方式品牌Timberland宣布与联合国大会打击荒漠化(UNCCD)和世界银行集团的Connect4Climate支持大绿墙作为应对全球气候危机的基于自然的解决方案。大绿墙is an African-led movement to grow an 8,000km line of trees across the entire width of Africa to fight climate change, drought, famine, conflict, and migration. It represents a marquis project in Timberland’s pledge to plant 50 million trees worldwide by 2024, announced earlier this month.

Timberland’s longstanding commitment to reforestation, and its support of the UNCCD’s Great Green Wall campaign, carries an important message about the power of partnerships to create real and lasting change.

“At the heart of the Timberland brand is our belief that a greener future is a better future,” said Jim Pisani, global brand president, Timberland. “But we know we can’t create lasting change alone, and we recognize how the power of partnerships, like ours with the UNCCD and its Great Green Wall, can make a true impact. We call on businesses, organizations and individuals everywhere to take action – big or small – to help make it better.”

To help kick off United Nations Climate Week, on September 22nd, Timberland, the UNCCD and the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate program hosted an inspiring, high-energy event at Tavern on the Green (temporarily rebranded UNGA Goals House), and issued a call-to-action for influential leaders in business, policy, media, film and music to support the大绿墙

During the event, 200+ attendees viewed clips from the upcoming feature documentary, “The Great Green Wall”, directed by Jared P. Scott and produced by MAKE Waves in association with the UNCCD with the support of Connect4Climate, and heard first-hand from those directly involved in the project. Guests also enjoyed live musical performances from Songhoy Blues, Waje and Grammy-winning artist Ricky Kej.

在本周晚些时候,林地可持续发展总监科琳·维恩(Colleen Vien)也参加了联合国S金博宝怎么注册DG媒体区的一个小组,重点介绍了时装业如何动员气候行动。其他小组成员包括全球业务发展总监Tricia Carey,Lenzing Group和Actnow气候行动运动经理Tolu Olubunmi。在9月24日由有意识时装运动的创始人Kerry Brannigan主持的9月24日小组中,Vien讨论了Timberland呼吁全球社区加入该运动的行动。188bet网址怎么打不开维恩指出:“小动作可能会产生巨大的影响,许多人的小动作可以创造运动,而运动可以改变世界。”

要了解有关Timberland的植树承诺和自然需要英雄运动的更多信息,请访问该品牌的responsibility site


Founded in 1973,Timberland是位于新罕布什尔州Stratham的全球户外生活方式品牌,设有瑞士和香港的国际总部。Timberland以其原始的黄色靴子而闻名,其原始的黄色靴子为新英格兰的苛刻元素而设计,如今,Timberland为重视有目的风格并分享该品牌享受和保护自然的热情的人们提供了各种鞋类,服装和配饰。

At the heart of the Timberland® brand is the core belief that a greener future is a better future. This comes to life through a decades-long commitment to make products responsibly, protect the outdoors, and strengthen communities around the world. To share in Timberland’s mission to step outside, work together and make it better, visit one of our stores, timberland.com or follow us @timberland. Timberland is a VF Corporation brand.

About the Great Green Wall

大绿墙is an African-led movement to grow an 8000km line of trees across the entire width of Africa to fight climate change, drought, famine, conflict, and migration. Timberland is partnering with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)andConnect4Climate - World Bank Groupas part of the UNCCD-led campaign 'Growing a World Wonder’ which supports the Great Green Wall.TREE AID- an international development organization that focuses on unlocking the potential of trees to reduce poverty and protect the environment in Africa – is planting trees in Mali as a key partner in the campaign.