
Aug 6, 2018 11:05 AM ET


After a slow and bumpy start (several groundhogs have discovered the garden beds this year and decided they want to share in the offerings!) the facilities crew installed some much-needed fencing to keep the critters at bay. Initial harvests have started coming in, with cucumbers the bumper crop this year. The New England weather typically dictates what will thrive, and this year’s conditions seem to be optimal for cucumbers. We’ve had enough rain to keep the soil consistently moist between watering, which is what cucumbers like best.



Employees who tend the garden, typically for about 1 hour per week, count the time as part of their Path of ServiceTM小时,一项员工福利计划,现在已有26个Th一年,这为员工提供了每年最多40个付费社区服务时间。188bet网址怎么打不开在Timberland Victory Garden中学到的技能上,许多员工在家中创建了自己的花园。

要了解有关Timberland对社区和Service of Service™计划的承诺的更多信息,请访问https://www.timberland.com/responsibility.html