Top 5 Takeaways From Goodness Matters 2017: The Annual Benevity Client Conference

Top 5 Takeaways From Goodness Matters 2017: The Annual Benevity Client Conference

96 corporate citizenship leaders joined the Mojave Desert Land Trust (MDLT) for a stewardship event organized by Benevity. The desert cleanup took place on an MDLT property, a wilderness corridor located within the Sand to Snow National Monument.

A panel discusses the role of Goodness in powering a positive company culture. From left to right: Bryan de Lottinville (Founder & CEO, Benevity), Josh Levine (Principal of Great Monday and Co-founder of CultureLabx), Deborah Swartz (Corporate Citizenship Lead for Canada from Accenture Canada), Diane Solinger (Director of GooglersGive from Google).

Katy Davis, Managing Director of ideas42, explains the role of behavioral science in helping more people engage in charitable giving.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 7:55pm

When you get more than 200 DoGooders together in a desert, great things happen. The passion and enthusiasm from everyone who attendedBenevity上周的年度美好事务客户会议令人难以置信,我们比以往任何时候都更加说服棕榈泉,作为公司,我们有一个令人难以置信的机会来创造我们想在世界上看到的变化。

We hope the stories, challenges and solutions that were shared by our clients, industry experts and Benevity-ites created a sandstorm of inspiration that will help you take your programs to the next level. And to keep the momentum going, we pulled together some of the big ideas and learnings with 5 key takeaways — because this was more than just a palm-covered getaway (though it was certainly beautiful). It was a starting point for all of us to make Goodness matter (even) more!

1. Use Goodness to power your corporate culture
Talk to almost any C-Suite person and they’ll tell you that culture is one of the biggest strategic challenges they face. You’ve got a huge opportunity to help change that. By leveraging your giving and volunteering programs to create a workplace for everyone, built by everyone, you’re creating a purpose-driven culture that today’s diverse workforce is really looking for. This cultural shift means Goodness is no longer a citizenship-only function, but the real future of human capital management (and a key to recruitment, retention and engagement!). As Culture and Brand Strategist Josh Levine from CultureLabx eloquently put it, “culture is the cause and effect of every decision we make.” It’s the most compelling sustainable advantage that not only affects your company’s bottom line, but also the relationship you have with your people. So how do you start to make the shift? The advice we heard from both Deborah Swartz (Accenture) and Diane Solinger (Google) was to listen to your people. Talk to them, ask them what they want and get them involved early.