Trane Technologies加入美国能源部的更好的气候挑战,以在10年内将运营排放量减少50%
Trane Technologies加入美国能源部的更好的气候挑战,以在10年内将运营排放量减少50%
SWORDS, Ireland, February 28, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Trane Technologies plc (NYSE:TT), a global climate innovator, today announced it has joined the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Better Climate Challenge, a national initiative aimed at mitigating climate change impacts while bolstering the clean energy economy. Today, Keith Sultana, senior vice president of supply chain and operational services for Trane Technologies, joined Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy in an Executive Roundtable on decarbonizing the U.S. economy, while highlighting the announcement.
Trane技术joins more than 50 other partners in the DOE’s Better Climate Challenge, which prompts companies, states, municipalities and other organizations to set ambitious, portfolio-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goals, including a 50% or more reduction in both direct (emissions from fossil fuels consumption) and indirect (emissions from use of purchased electricity) emissions – also known as “Scope 1” and “Scope 2” emissions.
美国能源部长詹妮弗·格兰霍尔姆(Jennifer M. Granholm)表示:“诸如Trane Technologies之类的更好的气候挑战伙伴正在承诺将其建筑物,植物和车队的组合脱碳,并分享有效的策略,使我们的经济过渡到清洁能源。”“他们的领导力和创新对于我们在加强美国经济的同时反对气候变化的集体斗争至关重要。”
管理和减少对积极环境影响的能源使用一直是Trane技术的长期优先事项。在2013年至2020年之间,该公司将其全球运营碳排放量减半,并提高了能源效率27%。Additionally, in 2019, the company launched its Gigaton Challenge to reduce customers’ carbon emissions by a billion metric tons – the first in the manufacturing industry to have its targets verified by the Science-Based Targets Initiative, and one of only 47 companies to be verified twice. Trane Technologies has also set a goal to reduce GHG emissions by another 50%. The company’s2030年金博宝怎么注册可持续性承诺包括在其全球足迹上实现碳中性运营,绝对能源减少10%,垃圾填埋场零废物以及净阳性用水。
Trane Technologies供应链和运营服务高级副总裁Keith Sultana说:“我们很荣幸能加入这项重要的计划,并以身作则。”188bet上不了“在多年来与Trane Technologies的合作,包括Better Plants挑战,DOE支持我们的可持续发展领导。金博宝怎么注册现在,随着我们在整个行业实施更可持续的运营时,我们期待加入我们的更好的气候挑战伙伴,共同建立更好的未来。”
Trane Technologies是全球气候创新者。通过我们的战略品牌Trane®和ThermoKing®以及我们对环境负责的产品和服务组合,我们为建筑物,房屋和运输带来了高效,可持续的气候解决方案。188bet上不了有关Trane Technologies的更多信息,请访问。