
trump公司、Venture公司和Valdez公司:人最佳友-LUV Vicki Sanner代理客户关系/Rapid报文客座博客


The call was from Dianne Rathcke with the Dixon Correctional Institute in Louisiana, and after a couple of generic questions, she proceeded to tell me about a very special program, Canine Companions for Independence (CCI).  The program choses certain individuals, in this case offenders, to train service dogs for the disabled and/or handicapped.  Dianne told me about three of their dogs, Trump, Valdez, and Venture III, who were to graduate in May at a ceremony at SeaWorld in Orlando.  She simply asked if Southwest transported service dogs and what the cost would be.  I reviewed flight options for her, gave her details on the cost, and told her that I would make a few calls to see if there was anything extra we needed to assure we could assist in the transport of these special dogs.  Diane let me know that the two people who would be accompanying the dogs, veterans Colonel John C.史密斯和主中士Keavin坦纳负责监狱培训

与Dianne进一步对话时,我了解到,由于程序完全靠捐款运作,他们将在教管所举办募款活动支付机票费。我和我的高级代表Kim Seale分享这个消息,他建议我们联系通信部处理所有动物旅行请求。我们都想特程旅行,在与通信部合作后,我能得到西南航空公司批准与Trumps、Valdez和Ventry公司一道为两位老手捐赠旅行!


5月17日星期五,Smith中校Tanner中士Trump Venture and Valdez开始探险Orlando

Trump、Venture和Valdez毕业时在SeaWorld庆典上欢庆。服务狗都很快会和他们的完美人伴匹配,双生将永远改变。帮助这个特殊集团是一个很好的经验,并会永远被所有参与者记住 — — 特别是Trump、Valdez和Ventry