
艾琳·康纳(Erin Connor),关键人类需求投资组合经理
Campaign: 善良的技术

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作为其企业社会责任策略的一部分,思科和思科基金会支持为被流离失所的人提供服务的非营利组织humanitarian crises and natural disasters

Today, World Refugee Day, is an opportunity for us to recognize organizations that are doing this important work right now around the world.

One organization that is actively serving refugees isMercy Corps– whose mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities. In 2017, Cisco committed to a 5-year, US$10 million,multi-faceted partnership with Mercy Corpsto help deliver aid and development assistance faster, better, and to more people around the world.

这是Mercy Corp现在正在努力的许多领域中的两个,以帮助难民在危机中生存并建立更好的生活。



为了帮助难民及其当地邻居聚集在一起,Mercy Corps制定了一项冲突解决计划,破坏了冰,教授调解和谈判技巧,并以社区项目的完成结束。188bet网址怎么打不开每个项目都是不同的,决定每个社区的需求是学习过程的一部分。188bet网址怎么打不开每个小组都必须集思广益,达成共识,让更广泛的社区支持他们的项目,然后遵循完成。188bet网址怎么打不开


Another program making a big impact in Jordan is the sitekhabrona.info,其中提供了有关在该国定居的难民的重要民事文件和文书工作的重要信息。

Khabrona是Signpost的一部分,Signpost是Mercy Corps和IRC的联合数字计划,该计划为难民,寻求庇护者和其他流离失所者提供有关重要需求的最新信息,例如合法权利,运输和医疗服务,以多种语言为单位188bet上不了。

The program evolved from Refugee.info, which launched in Greece in 2015 with initial funding from Cisco. In addition to Jordan, the service has also expanded to Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy and El Salvador – and has served more than 800,000 people.


每天,平均有2,000名逃离政治冲突,暴力和粮食短缺的南苏丹难民到达乌干达的北部边界。这些难民中有82%是18岁以下的妇女和儿童,乌干达现在在Bidi Bidi,Palorinya和Rhino Camp等地方接待了来自南苏丹的近一百万难民。


例如,Mercy Corps支持由乌干达和南苏丹男女组成的农民团体,他们结合了资源来购买更多蔬菜种子,收获更多的农产品并提高其产量。成员接受业务技能的培训,将生存地块发展为小规模的商业农业业务。


Mercy Corps is also seeking to empower both refugees and local residents with access to mobile phones, and in turn, economic and financial opportunities. For example, Mercy Corps is facilitating a relationship between a mobile phone distributor and village traders in the settlements and host communities. The distributor sells basic mobile phones to traders at subsidized prices. Village traders then resell the phones to beneficiaries for a small, predetermined markup.

The program is creating business opportunities for both the traders and those who purchase the phones. The latter group may use their phones to get crop pricing information, to find buyers for their hand-made clothing, or to advertise a service within the local community.

这些只是全世界众多位置的两个例子,在这里,Mercy Corps正在将人们与他们建立更好,更强生活所需的资源联系起来。请与我们一起支持世界难民日的慈悲团等人道主义组织。


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