



  1. 当进入一个企业在一个发展中国家,这不是一个公司的根本责任来确定,然后避免风险环境和人们如果业务创建?

  2. 什么是深度、强度和持续时间的CSR活动与社会、环境和政治进程在任何国家在企业价值链内吗?金博宝手机版网页有完整性还是粉饰?

  3. 我们怎么得到的消息在CSR工作必须嵌入到所有方面的企业决策过程和策略?金博宝手机版网页

第一个故事通过媒体活动来从一个组织请求支持写作活动支持Atenco的女性——墨西哥。请求的背景覆盖等网站美国特赦。事实似乎在2006年抗议者和警察之间的暴力冲突导致孩子的死亡,和当地的农民组织与这场悲剧圣萨尔瓦多Atenco墨西哥聚集来显示他们对社区的支持。188bet网址怎么打不开墨西哥当局的反应力和逮捕了数百名包括至少45岁妇女。45岁的妇女被捕,随后26日报道被墨西哥警方身体和性侵犯时被拘留。一名官员被定罪(未成年人犯罪)和其他官员犯下虐待已经充分负责即使墨西哥最高法院在2009年发表了一份声明,侵犯人权的行为发生。国际特赦组织美国邀请公众加入他们写信运动要求特别检察官对针对妇女的暴力行为的一个完整的和公正的调查中涉及的强奸、性暴力,酷刑和虐待的女性被拘留者和罪犯被绳之以法。- - - - - - CS金博宝手机版网页R链接是什么?基于不同的账户,又促进了最初的抗议,孩子死了,是一个争议相关计划建立一个沃尔玛供应商现场历史上使用的花。第二个故事是一个纪录片题为“可口可乐案例”。事件引发的纪录片是工会工人的谋杀在哥伦比亚的一个可口可乐灌装厂授权。在影片中,旅程的一小群律师表示,核电站的工人试图针对可口可乐是记载。虽然这部电影的评论褒贬不一,案件的事实包括死亡和死亡威胁反对核电站的工人加入了工会,和哥伦比亚的声誉作为一个国家,正面临着人权危机——尤其是对工会会员。哥伦比亚的侵犯人权的当前状态是有据可查特赦美国和等网站上亨宁中心(加州大学伯克利分校项目中心的劳动研究和教育)。这两个故事提出的问题对我来说是最基本的。1。当进入一个企业在一个发展中国家,这不是一个公司的根本责任来确定风险环境和人们如果业务创建?这个问题是问带着迷惑的表情,有点天真,当然它不能被视为对建立一个业务在人类生活的成本或侵犯人权的吗?组织获取信息的人权和环境状态的做法在世界上每一个国家。基本的项目管理过程强调需要一个风险评估-在这种情况下仅仅是缓解策略分离exec说“使问题消失”?2。什么是深度、强度和持续时间的CSR活动与社会、环境和政治进程在任何国家在企业价值链内吗?金博宝手机版网页有完整性还是粉饰? The second questionrelates to the state of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in large multinational corporations. How real is the embracing of CSR? Both Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola have recently launched significant CSR programs and this is a positive step. It may well be that in typical organizational form, changes are happening slowly and a snapshot in time does not do justice to the changes that are underway. Changes take time and a longitudinal view may provide a better perspective on the state of CSR. However both companies seem to be silent on the events in Mexico and Colombia respectively. As large corporations, they have the influence to declare and abide by a value ethic that upholds human rights and environmental protection as paramount in the business decision making processes. 3. How do we get the message across that for CSR to work it must be embedded into all aspects of the corporate decision making process and strategy? This final question comes from a place of curiosity regarding an organization’s internal decision making process and the ability of humans (and I include myself in this) to disconnect my decisions from the harmful impacts that may result. What will it to take to create an impetus for organizations to examine their decision making – at all organizational levels? I acknowledge that it is very difficult to anticipate all the intended and unintended consequences of an organization’s decisions. Surely there are some outcomes that must be avoided at all costs and about which a clear statement can be made. Over the past decades however, a tremendous amount of skill and knowledge that has been developing around processes for facilitating better decision – making – let’s take advantage of them in the spirit of doing right and avoiding harm. As companies orient themselves to behave as large economies versus as members of a community it can be easy for them to appear reckless in their desire to grow, and at times tread on fundamental human rights. I continue to choose optimism – that people will find the courage within their roles in life to examine their own values and to choose to do good. In an earlier blog the question was asked if there was any research about employees making choices based on their values when those values are opposed to the values of their organizations. What is your experience in this type of situation? In light of the magnitude of the task at hand, sometimes a simple action can make a difference. Please点击这里如果你想采取行动代表Atenco的女性。金合欢集团的使命是为组织提供变革和独特的领导力发展寻求实现自己的全球公民。为此我们从企业社会责任知识融合,社区发展和领导力发展和学习为卓越为我们的客户创造新的机会。188bet网址怎么打不开欲了解更多信息,请访问www.theacaciagroup.caACACIA7378