
运动: 德勤基金会
康涅狄格州(3提单媒体/可比我们金博宝手机版网页威尔顿。——4月20日,2011年的会计学生团队从加州大学伯克利分校将在16日最高荣誉th一年一度的全国学生案例研讨会,由德勤基金会赞助,Deloitte LLP的非营利部门。是亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔的竞争。对其他五个国家决赛学校来自全国各地,获奖者证明充分理解的关键财务会计问题发现在现实世界业务案例研究。每个赢得团队成员将获得2000美元的奖学金,他们的学校将得到10000美元的会计项目的支持。会计威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学的学生在竞赛中名列第二,为每个学生将获得1000美元的奖学金,5000美元用于学校的会计部门。团队从休斯顿大学,密西根州立大学,莫尔豪斯学院和大学(University of Southern California)也参加了全国学生案例研究研讨会。每个学校每个团队成员获得500美元奖学金,2500美元的机构。“全国学生案例研讨会是我们最重要的一个方面支持发展下一代的会计人才,”肖恩Budnik说德勤基金会主席和伙伴,德勤。“通过这个项目我们正在努力帮助学生进一步发展所需的技术和分析能力是成功的在我们的职业。今年所有的参与者表现良好,应该为他们的成就感到骄傲。” With the support of a dedicated faculty advisor and a Deloitte manager, teams of undergraduate accounting students worked to identify, define and solve the challenges of complex accounting case studies. Each student team presented their recommendations to a panel of active and retired Deloitte partners, who assumed the roles of a client company’s senior management or audit committee members. At the seminar’s conclusion, the panel selected the student team that best outlined the relevant issues and most effectively presented their case. “The National Student Case Study Seminar provides students a great deal of exposure to the challenges that face today’s accounting professionals and helps to prepare them for their future careers,” said UC Berkeley Professor Maria Nondorf. “While the competition requires the use of technical accounting knowledge, it also touches upon non-technical areas, such as presentation, teaming and interpersonal skills, that are necessary to be effective when serving clients. This seminar along with the Deloitte Foundation’s overall commitment to advancing accounting education play an integral role in the education and development of our students.” The National Student Case Study Seminar is an educational event sponsored by the Deloitte Foundation through contributions from retired partners, principals and directors of Deloitte LLP and its affiliates Others Foundation-sponsored programs include the Doctoral Fellowship Program, the American Accounting Association/Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium, the Robert M. Trueblood Seminars for Professors, the National MBA Case Competition, the Deloitte Tax Case Study Competition, the Deloitte/Federation of Schools of Accountancy Faculty Consortium, and the Tax Faculty Symposium. # # # About the Deloitte Foundation
德勤基金会是一个非营利组织,支持教学,研究,和课程aaccounting,创新业务,以及相关领域内美国基金会,成立于1928年,国家项目支持数组,各种专业服务,相关受益初中/高中学生,本科生、研究生和教师。188bet上不了有关更多信息,请访问web页面在德勤的基础www.deloitte.com/us/df。在本文档中使用,“德勤”意味着Deloitte LLP)及其子公司。请参阅www.deloitte.com/us/about详细描述的德勤及其子公司的法律结构。DELO13328