

联合国妇女执行董事Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,首席品牌官,P&G,Marc Pritchard,印度奥运会拳击手和6 Time World World业余拳击冠军Mary Kom在与CNBC-TV 18的Shruti Mishra的讨论中‘What does it take to see equal?’ at the #WeSeeEqual Summit, co-hosted by P&G and UN Women in Mumbai. Credits: UN Women/ Sarabjeet Dhillon

联合国妇女执行董事Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,首席品牌官,P&G,Marc Pritchard,印度奥运会拳击手和6 Time World World业余拳击冠军Mary Kom在与CNBC-TV 18的Shruti Mishra的讨论中‘What does it take to see equal?’ at the #WeSeeEqual Summit, co-hosted by P&G and UN Women in Mumbai. Credits: UN Women/ Sarabjeet Dhillon

2019年2月25日,星期一 - 下午1:50

活动:P&G |平等与包容


(印度孟买) - 今天的宝洁和联合国妇女在印度孟买举行了#Weseeequal峰会。

P&G首次与联合国妇女共同主持,首次IMEA #Weseeequal峰会将商业和政府领导者汇集在一起​​,以及有影响力的人分享围绕神话的灵感和表面见解,以阻止我们加速我们在性别平等方面的进步。

The Summit brought together the leading voices to share perspectives on gender equality in its many facets including women’s economic empowerment, the role of advertising and media, the myths that are holding us back from equal representation in leadership and the workplace, and the importance of male champions as advocates.
