Understanding Inclusive Value
Understanding Inclusive Value
价值的下一个突破性概念从不同的角度介绍了社会资本,从而使人们对低收入市场所代表的经济纳入价值的关注。战略教授C.K.描述了这一点普拉哈拉德(Prahalad)和斯图尔特·哈特(Stuart Hart)是“金字塔的底部或底部”(BOP)的机会。[我]This pyramid is a visual representation of the distribution of income in world where, at the apex, 75 to 100 million people earn more than $20,000 a year, whereas at the base, 4 billion people live on less than $1,500 per year, including more than a billion earning less than $1 per day (in 2002, when the BOP model was introduced).
Prahalad and Hart’s argument was that the 4 billion strong global BOP market is neglected by multinationals because either they see no opportunity, believing that anyone earning so little could never afford to buy their products, or they do not have any experience in how to do business in poor communities. They refer to the BOP as a multi-trillion dollar ‘invisible opportunity’. It’s a bit like the $20 bill on the sidewalk that nobody picks up because, if it was real someone would have picked it up already. So too big business assumes that if there was money to be made in low-income markets, someone would have already exploited the opportunity.
And so, by rethinking production, packaging and distribution – and by earning small margins on huge volumes of sales – companies can, according to Prahalad and Hart, make ‘a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid’. Meanwhile, poor communities also win: they get high quality products at lower prices, achieved through economies of scale and spreading of risk. In their seminal article inBusiness + Strategy, Hindustan Lever (the Indian subsidiary of Unilever) and Grameen Bank (the microcredit pioneer started by Muhammad Yunus) are cited as proof-of-concept cases. And they certainly sparked off a tidal wave of BOP business models and experiments all around the world, which are tracked by the BOP Learning Network.
Prahalad and Hart were certainly not alone in their exploration of the BOP market. Another major stream of work came from the World Resources Institute (WRI) and their volume calledThe Next Four Billion,它仍然通过NextBillion.net网站持续下去。[ii]The WRI’s research was crucial in adding empirical evidence to the conceptual bones of the BOP. Based on access to the household income and consumption surveys of developing and transition countries, they were able to offer new and compelling perspectives on low-income communities worldwide.
特别是,他们能够从110个国家 /地区获取来自全球36个国家 /地区的标准支出数据的收入数据。他们的分析开始回答关键问题,例如:BOP划分的收入是多少?BOP和消费者在许多关键部门(包括水和卫生,能源,IT/IT/Telecoms,医疗保健和金融服务)中支付的能力的总市场规模是多少?188bet上不了BOP消费者面临的惩罚性质是什么,其价格较高,质量较差的商品和服务或缺乏服务的方式?188bet上不了BOP的惩罚意味着需要进行政策改革或市场合理化的机会?
BOP模型收到的批评之一是简单地重新包装和重新包装产品,以便穷人可以购买和消费它们不太可能帮助他们摆脱贫困。与Erik Simanis合作的Stuart Hart回应了这一批评,开发了BOP 2.0协议。[iii]BOP 1.0被认为是“卖给穷人”,而BOP 2.0则被重新铸造为“商业饮食”。他们的重新概念化包括诸如企业家发展,能力发展,建立市场基础,深入对话和建立共同承诺之类的因素。
Another criticism of BOP value was that it ignored environmental impacts. What happens when a billion Indians or Chinese use single-use plastic sachets of shampoo or food and they end up in the environment? Are multinationals that try to make a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid also aiding and abetting a throw-away high-waste society? One need only look at the rivers and oceans of plastic in Asia to suspect that there is some truth to this accusation. Besides, many of the environmental solutions and eco-friendly products are unaffordable at for BOP consumers.
[ii]Hammond, A.L. et al. (2007).接下来的40亿:金字塔基础的市场规模和业务策略. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, International Finance Corporation.
[iii]Simanis, E. & Hart, S.L. (2008). The base of the pyramid protocol: toward next generation BOP strategy. Ithaca, NY: Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise.