


Tuesday, April 26, 2022 - 1:50pm



With the transportation industry’s historically thin margins, especially coming out of thesupply chain crunchcaused by COVID-19, port operators must focus on profitability. At the same time, local and federal regulations, as well as global treaties like the Paris Climate Agreement, have put ports on notice that port sustainability needs to be a priority. The port of Rotterdam, one of the busiest ports in the world,已承诺到2050年免费排放– many others around the world are sure to follow suit.

Strategic initiatives like the United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals(可持续发展目标)似乎是有抱负的,但我们认为它们不仅可以实现,而且是必不可少的 - 信息通信技术(ICT)行业可能是主要的推动者。根据Exponential Climate Roadmap,ICT部门有可能使其他部门的全球碳排放量减少15%,例如运输。尽管海洋运输目前仅造成全球温室排放的2-3%,但that number is predicted to rise to 17%如果没有选中。添加可再生能源不足以满足这一挑战 - 数字化至关重要。

It’s important to note that ports don’t have to sacrifice one thing to achieve another – productivity, efficiency and sustainability are linked. To put it another way, improvements in sustainability can deliver return on investment (ROI) for everyone in the shipping value chain.



能源使用:限制车辆的空闲时间和优化路线可以大大降低燃油成本,同时减少排放。在我们的pilot projectwith the Port of Livorno in Italy, we found that using 5G to optimize forklift actions, reducing total working time by two hours, could deliver an estimated annual fuel consumption saving of nearly 15,000 gallons per year.



This isn’t only for things like forklifts and cranes. We’ve found that optimizing vessel berthing can lead to a每年平均降低20%,总计超过270万美元。而且,较少的船只在港口或躺在道路上的闲置,产生的排放量越少,这是驱动较低TCO并帮助实现可持续性目标的技术的一个典型例子。金博宝怎么注册

Predictive maintenance is another strategy for increasing OEE. Telematics solutions that monitor engine health can send alerts that a machine needs to be taken offline for a repair or maintenance, avoiding unexpected work stoppages and maximizing the useful life of an asset.

可以通过自动驾驶汽车(例如叉车,起重机和集装箱卡车)来实现OEE的增加,自动优化加速度,制动和速度,提高燃油效率,同时降低排放。确保采用有效的路线也可以减少排放。爱立信Routes, a new service, enables autonomous and unmanned vehicles to have consistent and reliable connectivity along a planned trip for all applicable wireless service providers.

In addition to autonomous vehicles, the electrification of trucks moving materials in and out of the port is a major factor in reducing emissions. Companies likeEinride, who have recently announced a partnership with the Port of Helsingborg, are providing fully electric trucks to ports across the US, and cellular networks can help these fleets run efficiently, as well as closely track maintenance needs.

确定港口可持续性的ROI是一个复杂的计算。金博宝怎么注册为了帮助端口操作员,以及IFM和Arthur D Little,我们创建了智能端口值计算器。It can help make sense of the impact of five smart transitions: automated RTG Cranes, remote control of ship-to-shore cranes, cellular connected AGVs, condition monitoring and the use of drones for surveillance and deliveries.

Models of the future

Digital transformation is well underway at several ports, and it’s driving sustainability initiatives. Vancouver’s港口2050initiative aims for a post-industrial, post-carbon model that accommodates Canada’s trade needs while maintaining a healthy environment and enabling thriving communities. In the US, the port of Long Beach is working toward成为零排放端口

Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port, aims to become the world’s smartest and most sustainable. It features cranes that are either completely automated or remote-controlled, and automated, guided electric vehicles that transport containers to storage facilities. When it became clear that Wi-Fi was too unreliable and insecure, Ericsson发表a private LTE network for robust and cost-effective data communications for 100 clients into the RWG terminal in the Port of Rotterdam.

Toward the port of the future

未来的港口将采用始终连接的传感器和增强的物联网应用程序,这些应用程序通过安全,可靠的网络实时控制和决策。有了对港口状况和操作的智能见解,将揭示进一步优化的潜力 - 允许港口通过燃料效率,电气化等诸如诸如诸如燃料效率,电气化等方面实现可持续性目标。金博宝怎么注册

Introducing new technologies that factor in the environment and have wider-reaching benefits will enable the transition toward the port of the future. Private 5G networks and digital technologies are crucial in addressing this challenge and transforming port operations.


While port sustainability hasn’t been specifically called out as a key component of grant applications, worsening concerns about the availability of fossil fuels and the climate crisis should make this a prime consideration.