
Feb 15, 2022 9:50 AM ET

LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y., February 15, 2022 /3BL Media/ - UNFCU Foundation today announced that19个组织是其2022赠款的接收者。

In its eighth year of grant making, the Foundation supports healthcare, education, livelihood training, and humanitarian relief for women and youth, with the aim to reduce poverty. This aligns with the联合国可持续发展目标(SDG) that drive the Foundation’s mission.


联合国基金会’s Board of Directors and Advisory Council selected the causes. Support of the Foundation’s mission, a proven record of accomplishment, and UN SDG impact in marginalized societies were key selection criteria. Foundation funding has made a difference across continents, according to several ongoing grantees:

“自2019年与UNFCU基金会合作以来,我们为90名难民妇女提供了专业的就业服务,以实现公平的就业成果,” Maryland International Rescue委员会(I188bet上不了RC)的Resettlement,Asylum and Integration(RAI)执行董事Ruben Chandrasekar说。。“我们不仅为妇女装备过渡并积极改变自己的生活,而且还改变了社区。”

“Empowered by corrective fistula surgery and livelihood training, young women in Bauchi and Adamawa States, Nigeria are gaining self-confidence and business skills,” said Mariarosa Cutillo, Chief of the Strategic Partnerships Branch at UNFPA, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency.

“我们改编了我们的签名素养和算术计划的根源,以在整个乌干达的整个社区中崛起,”明天建立战略合作伙伴关系总监Jyl Strong说。“使用面对面的学习,基于社区的学习和基本手机的188bet网址怎么打不开新远程学习平台,大约40,000名学习者(他们毕业了近两年)正在回到正轨。”

“新的数字学习工具正在加快妇女在储蓄和贷款群体方面的进步,从而减少了危地马拉农村残疾人群的不平等,” trick绕的地区代表美国人豪尔赫·科伊(Jorge Coy)说。

The grantees and projects supported by the UNFCU Foundation in 2022 are below.


The Floating Hospital:继续为纽约市600多名妇女和儿童提供行为健康服务和支持计划188bet上不了

Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center: provide integrated medical, sexual and reproductive health, and behavioral and mental health services to youth in New York City

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA):向尼日利亚的产科瘘幸存者提供生计训练


Building Tomorrow: ensure children in rural Uganda access to foundational learning opportunities, including literacy and numeracy via its Roots to Rise program

Girl Up: instruct adolescent girls in three target under-resourced communities in Kenya with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), life skills, and enhanced leadership development training linked to gender equality issues

Grace Outreach:通过追求高等教育和就业来提高纽约市低收入妇女的学术技能

Ubongo:leverage the power of entertainment, the reach of mass media, rigorous research, and the insights of kid-centered design, to bring effective, localized learning to nearly 25 million African families

Livelihood training grantees:

博马项目: enroll ultra-poor women living in Northern Kenya in a two-year program that includes financial, life skills, and business training


International Rescue Committee (IRC):通过其妇女的就业能力计划为美国的难民妇女188bet上不了提供就业服务

Kilimanjaro Initiative (KI):鼓励肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的年轻妇女和男人有自信心,并协助提供机会,使他们能够在社区中扮演建设性的角色

Mindleaps: provide young adults in the Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Uganda access to the Virtual Academy program on business entrepreneurship and life-skills

retushe: expand in-person and virtual vocational training programs for urban refugee young women in Nairobi

家庭的庇护所: address the root causes of abuse, poverty, and homelessness in New York City via intensive, living-wage career training


Trickle Up:改善妇女,尤其是残疾人的经济机会

Women for Women International (WfWI): invest in the social and economic empowerment of marginalized women in Nigeria

有需要的妇女(获胜):通过支持Win成功的Francine A. Lefrak计算机培训计划,改变纽约无家可归的妇女及其子女的生活

Humanitarian relief grantees:

International Relief Committee (IRC):便利将阿富汗难民重新安置到国家首都地区/华盛顿特区的当地社区。

USA for UNHCR:向阿富汗的难民提供重新安置和人道主义救济

About UNFCU Foundation
FUNCU基金会是一家经认可的纽约非营利性公司,于2015年成立。United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU)通过对妇女和青年的医疗保健和教育来维持摆脱贫困的任务。自成立以来,UNFCU基金会已支持计划,以使31,000多名边缘化妇女和青年能够发挥其潜力。要了解更多信息,请遵循UNFCU基金会的进步YouTube,,,,Twitter,,,,Facebook,,,,andInstagram

Elisabeth Philippe,UNFCU基金会,ephilippe@unfcu.com,电话。+1 347-686-6776;移动+1 347-510-4036