
只有商业亚麻服务被CIO杂志;188bet上不了CIO 100 2010年的获奖者之一

马里兰州盖瑟斯堡(去年可比金博宝手机版网页我们),9月7日,2010 -一个创新使用计算机技术,提高运营效率,提供关键指标对其商业洗衣操作和挽救了超过100000美元以来实现了索迪斯,Inc . IDG的CIO杂志2010 CIO 100奖。该奖项旨在表彰组织在世界各地,体现最高水平的卓越运营和战略信息技术(IT)。

索迪斯的洗衣店仪表板中央决策支持工具,结合来自多个系统的信息监控洗衣和亚麻服务企业的核心过程。188bet上不了仪表板提供了索迪斯领导和现场管理在一个定制的关键指标,易于使用。仪表板使用Pureshare®ActiveMetrics®软件收集和显示相应的信息度量的形式为每一个级别的管理;使用工具来做出业务决策。由于仪表板是基于网络的,它可以从任何电脑或移动设备访问。它还实时发送邮件提醒,使管理立即解决操作问题。“今年的CIO 100大奖吸引当之无愧的关注公司不仅与它创新,创造真正的商业价值,“Maryfran Johnson说CIO杂志的主编和事件。“这些赢得公司及其企业IT组织是一个灵感无处不在。”“The Laundries Dashboard provides Sodexo with the information that our operators need, when they need it, enabling them to monitor their operations, increase efficiencies and provide superior quality and service to our customers,” said Tony Tocco, senior vice president and chief information officer for Sodexo. Sodexo’s Laundries Dashboard allows for the effective management of critical areas as well as providing detailed analysis and comparisons. Since February the company has improved: · The ability to track the location of thousands of laundry carts. Thanks to the Dashboard, Sodexo has been able to ensure the return of more than a hundred carts to its plants, saving $28,800 · Compliance with customer contracts. The new technology has automatic triggers for key contract dates and changes which results in $11,000 in additional revenue from customer contracts since the dashboard technology was launched. · Performance against Sodexo’s Better Tomorrow sustainability commitments that include reducing water, energy and waste. Water use reductions at one facility from 1.7 gallons/pound to 1.3 gallons/pound reduce the environmental footprint and will save $67,000 annually. In Buffalo, N.Y., the facility projects that its water reduction efforts will produce an annual savings of $24,000. In Opa Locka, Florida the facility is saving more than $3,000 a week in energy costs. “Sodexo’s innovative use of PureShare ActiveMetrics showcases what an organization can achieve by focusing on management through metrics. The ROI that Sodexo is enjoying from this single metrics project will drive innumerable other opportunities within the organization,” said Christopher Dean, President and CEO at PureShare. “By deploying this technology, we can provide greater business value to Sodexo and our clients by increasing our operational efficiencies, ensuring efficient contract compliance and targeting ways to reduce utilities consumption,” said Will Hughsted, division vice president of Sodexo Laundry Services. The 2010 CIO 100 awards were presented at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, on August 24th at the conclusion of the twelfth annual CIO 100 Symposium® and Awards Ceremony. About the CIO 100 The recipients of this year's CIO 100 award were selected through a three-step process. First, companies filled out an online application form detailing their innovative IT and business initiatives. Next, a team of judges reviewed the applications in depth, looking for unique practices and substantial results. Finally, CIO editors reviewed the judges' recommendations and voted on the final 100. Once the top 100 honorees were selected, several honorees were chosen to receive an additional special award. The recipients of this special award will be revealed at the CIO 100 awards ceremony in August. Complete coverage of the 2010 CIO 100 awards is online at www.cio.com and in the August 1st issue of CIO magazine.对索迪斯索迪斯在北美索迪斯公司(www.sodexoUSA.com),索迪斯集团的一员,是一个综合服务解决方案的领先供应商每天在公司服务超过一千万的客户,卫生保健,长期护理,退休,学校,高等教育,政府和远程站点。总部位于马里兰州,索迪斯公司在美国运营加拿大和墨西哥,年收入77亿美元(美元)和120000名雇员。索迪斯基金会(www.SodexoFoundation.org)是一个独立的慈善机构,自1999年成立以来,取得了超过1270万美元的赠款,以在美国战胜饥饿。参观企业博客在www.sodexoUSA.com/blog。索迪斯,世界领导人在日常生活的质量解决方案的生活质量中发挥着重要作用的进步个人和组织的绩效。基于这种信念,索迪斯公司和机构的战略合作伙伴,重视性能和幸福,因为它已自1966年皮埃尔Bellon创立了该公司。共享相同的热情服务,索迪斯的380000名员工,在全球80个国家设计、管理和交付一个无与伦比的现场服务解决方案和动力解决方案的范围。索迪斯已经创造了一种新型的服务业务,有利于经济、社会和环境发展的社区、地区和国家在其运作和员工的成就感。关键人物(2009年8月31日)




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