
Julie Urlaub博客创建者兼管理合伙人Taiga公司

台加公司博客Julie Urlaub

金博宝怎么注册大企业开始转向更可持续或绿色选项。 在我们可持续性咨询实践中,我们发现采购组织现在强调供应链中的环境和社会责任行动。完全正确大组织能做和我们其余部分能做学习从生态动作

金博宝怎么注册绿色采购不仅仅是为打印机或免化学清洗产品选择回收纸或免化学清洗产品。 超出金博宝怎么注册simply bringing more responsible choices in the business's front door.   While choosing a ‘greener' option is always preferable, companies on the leading edge of sustainability are implementing ‘green' decision process into all areas of their business, including their procurement and supply chain functions.   Companies are focused on a few key broad areas: visibility, procurement governance, and supplier development.      What sets them apart?    A trademark of sustainable organizations is the ability to effectively manage the flow of information among key business stakeholder relationships.  The true differentiators are those who understand their supplier and customer relationships and have a fully aligned direction across the value chain.  With everyone focused and pulling in the same direction, sustainable supply chain management becomes a collective effort.金博宝怎么注册持续咨询师常从绿色采购角度向企业和供应链组织主管提出几个简单问题: 点击这里继续阅读.

地球三分之一树的原址Taiga是最大的陆基生物圈并环绕地球其巨大的氧气生成实事求是地改变大气并刷新地球持续更新塑造Taiga企业的愿景 驱动商业界类似的变化台加公司寻找sygen业务