


Wednesday, August 17, 2022 - 11:15am



英石。明尼苏达州的保罗,2022年8月17日 / 3BL媒体 / - 全球能源最终用途继续高度依赖化石燃料,美国也不例外。截至2020年,大约79%的原始能源最终用途和60%的发电来自化石燃料,包括石油,天然气和煤炭。为了跟上快速的创新,利益相关者对过渡到清洁能源的需求以及迫切需要打击全球气候变化的需求,能源部门必须显着过渡。

In February of this year, the United States published and committed to the“确保清洁能源过渡的策略。”该策略围绕目标围绕净温室气体(GHG)排放量减少到2030年的2005年水平低于2005年的50-52%,到2035年创建无碳污染的电力部门,并在2050年之前将零排放的净排放经济实现。实现这些目标是为能源过渡投资和建立一个安全且有弹性的国内供应链。

As part of global efforts to address climate change impacts, the U.S. Government’s Department of Energy (DOE) published this report to address the multitude of challenges and opportunities facing the energy supply chain, summarize recommendations for congressional action, and dive into key strategies to secure America’s position as a clean energy leader. The DOE believes the US can expand global market share with these policy-supported and investment-focused technologies:

  1. 燃料电池和电解液 - 美国资源丰富,可能能够导出电解氢,相关化学品,电解器,燃料电池和相关设备。美国将投资15亿美元用于清洁氢制造和回收和电解RD&D和80亿美元的清洁氢枢纽,以支持生产,加工,交付,存储和清洁氢的最终使用。
  2. Grid-Scale Energy Storage - Next-generation technologies are an opportunity for U.S. investment in areas that include sodium-ion batteries, metal-air batteries, and other long-duration technologies like hydrogen and innovative approaches to mature technologies such as PSH and compressed-air energy storage.
  3. 宽带的半导体 - 美国以前曾在半导体技术开发领域领导世界。目前,Bandgap半导体主要用于电力电子产品,不到当今全球市场的0.1%,但其影响和市场规模迅速增长。
  4. 核能技术领导力 - 美国拥有世界上最大的商业核电车队,该机队在该国产生了最大的无碳电力来源,并为大约50万个就业机会提供了支持。美国将投资约25亿美元的高级核能,但核能将需要更多的核能才能达到美国气候目标。
  5. 氢和捕获的二氧化碳 - 将电解,燃料电池和二氧化碳捕获设施纳入扩展的基础设施网络涉及互连设施,电力站,棕地,土地或其他与天然气和电力传播和分配相关的互连设施,电源站,土地或其他资产的转换或重新开发。将氢与天然气甚至天然气管道转化为氢气,在某些条件下可能是可行的。这种过渡过程有技术挑战,昂贵,并且需要政府的激励措施和监管支持。
  6. 半导体:随着电气化和自动化的增加,宽带隙和常规半导体的使用将继续显着增加。DOE正在开发研发路线图,以积极地解决能源效率,其目标是每两年或更短一次将半导体能效率加倍,直到半导体能源效率比今天大1000倍。



  • $30 million to help secure the domestic supply chain of critical materials that build clean energy technologies through 13 national lab and university-led research projects.
  • The Small Business Administration (SBA) and DOE will leverage existing efforts such as the Critical Minerals Institute, the Minerals Sustainability program, Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries, and more.
  • Approximately $6 billion designated for processing, manufacturing, and recycling of battery materials
  • $140 million allocated to demonstrate commercial viability of a full-scale integrated rare earth element facility for extraction, separation, and refining.




The regional clusters will not only help create quality jobs, attract talent, and drive innovation, but will also help reduce logistical and supply chain issues associated with manufacturing key technologies.


全球清洁技术市场(如果我们要满足全球气候目标),就比美国单独实现的要大得多。因此,新的动作将包括利用Build Back Better World (B3W) initiativeG7国家于2021年成立,旨在支持同时提高能源供应链弹性和B3W的质量和可持续基础设施原则的项目。

Strategy 4: Create Clear Market Signal to Increase the Adoption and Deployment of Clean Energy

There is a lack of current demand in mature technologies such as hydropower, offshore wind, nuclear reactors, and electric grid technologies (transformers), as well as more acutely in emerging technologies such as fuel cells, electrolyzers, and carbon capture. Policy demand drivers will be key to this initiative.

Strategy 5: Improve End of Life Energy-related Waste Management

The U.S. does not yet have strong product responsibility requirements to recover valuable materials from consumer and other distributed products. DOE will leverage funding authority provided by theBipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)用购买力支持寿命终止废物管理,要求支持再生内容产品的供应链,市场开发和可持续采购实践。


Strategy 6: Attract and Support a Skilled US Workforce for Clean Energy

Cultivating and maintaining U.S. jobs for critical parts of the energy sector is a priority. The DOE will do the following to attract and support skilled US workers:

  • 使用联邦和州政策和采购杠杆来支持制造业中的联盟,家庭维持的就业。
  • Work on strengthening the manufacturing workforce by requiring or incentivizing job creation and job quality commitments by manufacturing firms working on projects funded with public dollars.
  • 与社区进行宣传,这些社区可以识别有效的方法来重新培训那些有兴趣过渡到新的清洁能源职业的流离失所工人。
  • Support unionization across technologies to facilitate the ability of workers to switch jobs without losing union benefits or taking wage or benefit cuts.


Strategy 7: Augment Supply Chain Knowledge and Decision-Making

The DOE will establish a new Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chain Office to help strengthen and secure strategic supply chains needed for the energy sector.

最后,美国能源部将利用现有的DOE当局,例如Energy Policy Act of 20052020年能源法创建数据库以及利用对拟议的国家供应链数据库的研究National Defense Authorization Act of 2021



Antea®Group is an environment, health, safety, and sustainability consulting firm. By combining strategic thinking and multidisciplinary perspectives with technical expertise, we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better future. We work in partnership with and advise many of the world’s most sustainable companies to address ESG-business challenges in a way that fits their pace and unique objectives. Our consultants equip organizations to better understand threats, capture opportunities and find their position of strength. Lastly, we maintain a global perspective on ESG issues through, not only our work with multinational clients, but also through our sister organizations in Europe, Asia, and Latin America and as a founding member of the Inogen Alliance.