USGBC和IWBI加强了他们的战略合作伙伴关系elerate Healthy Sustainable Buildings

Partnership to offer dual certification pathways for LEED and WELL, designed to help the global building sector lead on climate and health

旧金山,2022年11月2日 / 3BL媒体 / - 美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)和国际井建筑研究所(IWBI)今天宣布,他们的战略合作伙伴关系扩大,以加速对人们,社区和社区和社区优先考虑的建筑物的采用自然环境。

从2023年初开始,该合作伙伴关系将重点介绍通过双向人行横道和由Green Business Certification Inc.(GBCI)监督的双向人行横道和协调的第三方审查来简化双重井和LEED认证的过程,这是独立认可的主要组织(GBCI)在全球范围内绿色建筑性能和实践方面的卓越表现。

“By forging this stronger alliance with USGBC, we’re not only taking substantial steps to better support the uptake of WELL and LEED together, we’re also sending a powerful market signal that sustainability and health must go hand-in-hand,” said Rachel Hodgdon, President and CEO, IWBI. “IWBI and USGBC share a deep, collaborative ethos. This is a pivotal moment to double down on this partnership and seize opportunities to unlock new ideas and efficiencies, ignite more innovation and inspire our global community.”

In addition, through the partnership, USGBC and IWBI will extend and expand their shared efforts across several other priorities, including social equity, sustainable finance and advocacy.

“This is the next chapter in our partnership with IWBI, which has brought global attention and leadership to improving health and well-being in buildings and organizations around the world,” said Peter Templeton, President and CEO, USGBC and GBCI. “Not only are we doing more to bridge LEED and WELL in the market, we’re also coordinating across shared organizational objectives, such as elevating equity in the built environment, opening up new sources of capital for green and healthy buildings and bringing a unified voice to our shared priorities.”


关于the International WELL Building Institute

国际井建筑研究所PBC是Delos Living LLC的全资子公司。国际井建筑学院,IWBI,Well Building Standard,井V2,经过良好认证,AP,投资组合,得分井,井会议,我们是Well,Well Community Standard,健康安全的评级,健康安全,健康安全188bet网址怎么打不开评分,欢迎,性能良好,良好的性能评级,与Well,Well和其他人一起工作,其相关徽标是美国和其他国家的国际井建筑研究所PBC的商标或认证标记。

美国绿色建筑委员会(“ USGBC”)致力于通过成本效益和节能的绿色建筑物实现繁荣和可持续的未来。USGBC通过其LEED绿色建筑计划,强大的教育产品,当地社区领导者的国际网络,年度绿色国际会议和Expo,绿色学校中心和倡导支持公共政策,以鼓励和鼓励和倡导188bet网址怎么打不开启用绿色建筑物和社区。有关更多信息,请访问,并在Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn上连接。

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