The Value of Water: What Does Water Mean to You?

The Value of Water: What Does Water Mean to You?

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 12:25pm

CAMPAIGN:Sustainability by Antea Group


Water is one of the most valuable resources we have. It supports life across the planet and is integral in our daily lives. To celebrate World Water Day and inspire an on-going conversation about the importance of protecting water, we've asked our co-workers and partners a very important question - what does water mean to you?

Julie Mouton

Title: Corporate Water Solutions Lead
Company: Antea Group, USA

"The February 2021 extreme weather events in Texas highlighted the vulnerability of our water supply systems. Our growing population and semiarid climate further underscore the need for water conservation, good water governance, and collective action projects to ensure long-term water security for the state."

FátimaBertránde lis

Title: Senior Environmental Consultant
Company: denkstatt, Austria

"Water is always present in my favorite landscapes. It is a pleasure to work supporting companies on their sustainable use making sure that these landscapes persist."

Dirk Muenstermann

Title: Senior Consultant for Hydrogeology and Environment
Company: HPCA, Germany

"There is no better place than near the water."

Nadia Jebbour

Title: Hydrologist and Water Resource Specialist
Company: Antea Group, France

"Water is our fuel."

Beatrice Bizzaro

Title: EHS Specialist/Alliance for Water Stewardship Specialist
Company: HPC Italy

"Water is a shared precious resource and it is the role of every one of us to contribute to its safeguard and conservation. I am proud to be the first Credentialed Alliance for Water Stewardship Specialist in Italy, and to be part of greater mission to resiliently face water-related challenges around the globe."

Marta Saracyn

Title: Water Management Team Leader
Company: Antea Group, Poland

"As a mom of two and a Hydrologist, water means a future. In my work to protect water quality and quantity, I keep in mind that I am doing this not only to improve the current situation, but also for my kids and all children. Water is the key to life of next generations"

Syahirah Taha

Title: Environmental Consultant
Company: EnviroSolutions & Consulting, Malaysia

"Water is essential for Life. Water is the driving force of all nature."

Hilton Lucio

Company: Antea Group, Brasil


Krishna Kant Gupta

Title: Director - Water and Urban Infrastructure
Company: Antea Group, India

"Water is natures’ most important gift to humans and Antea Group in India made consistent efforts to establish itself in the water and urban business segment and deliver innovative solutions in hydraulic modelling, flood mapping, climate adaptation, inland water transport and waste water treatment. Personally, I have devoted more than 25 years of my career towards sustainable development of water and supported various initiatives."

并将其全部包裹起来并表达我们对水的赞赏,请享受Antea Group自己的朱莉·穆顿(Julie Mouton)的水haiku:

Peaceful and soothing.
Often taken for granted.
It deserves our love.

Want more insight on Water Stewardship?

We understand current water concerns and translate our global hydrology, ecology and environmental knowledge into solutions that make your business more sustainable and resilient to water challenges.

Learn More About Water Stewardship!

About Antea Group
Antea Group是一家国际工程和环境咨询公司,专门从事环境,健康与安全,基础设施,城市规划和水领域的全方位服务解决方案。通过将战略思维和多学科观点与技术专长和务实的行动相结合,我们不仅可以有效地解决客户的挑战;我们为更美好的未来提供可持续的结果。全球90多个办事处拥有3200多名员工,我们为客户提供从全球能源公司和制造商到国家政府和地方政府的客户提供服务。Antea Group是Inogen Alliance的创始成员,Inogen Alliance是一个全球独立咨询公司的网络,可以选择在世界各地合作在EHS项目中合作,以持续一致的客户体验。了解更多信息

CATEGORY: Environment