VerizonScales EdTech Resources to Over 3M Teachers in Effort to Leave No Student Behind
VerizonScales EdTech Resources to Over 3M Teachers in Effort to Leave No Student Behind
Bernadette Brijlall
- Verizon Innovative Learning HQ是一家免费的下一代在线教育门户网站,为所有教育工作者提供了对增强和虚拟现实的身临其境技术体验的访问权限,将于8月23日启动
- 246 Title I schools join Verizon Innovative Learning, nearly doubling the program’s reach to 511 schools across the country
- 5G Verizon Innovative Learning Lab unveiled in Miami and 40 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs launch in Title I schools nationwide
- VerizonCommunity Forward initiative is expected to reinvigorate community spaces in cities across the country, providing under-resourced populations with free access to resources and digital skills training
新泽西州,新泽西州的山脊,2021年8月23日,媒体 / - 随着全国各地的学区从历史上最具挑战性的年份之一反弹,并准备重新开放以进行面对面学习,许多教育工作者正在寻找将会寻找的资源在教育中断的18个月后,帮助学生成功。整合技术在大流行期间变得比以往任何时候都变得更加普遍,这是至关重要的,这是至关重要的。
研究表明,由于大流行,低收入的学生在教育中落后多达七个月1, Verizon is doubling down on its commitment to help ensure no student is left behind, providing education technology resources in support of digital inclusion with a number of initiatives to integrate immersive STEM technology into classrooms and communities. These efforts are part of the company’s investment to help vulnerable communities, which is expected to exceed $3 billion between 2020 to 2025.
"Digital inclusion was an important objective before the pandemic, and an area we’ve been investing in for years, but we’ve all learned now just how important it really is to achieve,” said Rose Stuckey Kirk, Chief Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Verizon. "We're continuing to provide tech-fueled strategies to empower educators to help build the next generation of innovators who will continue to move our world forward."
Verizon创新学习HQ, Next-Gen Learning for All
Verizonis launching a new education portal,Verizon创新学习HQ,这将首次扩展Verizon创新学习- 该公司的教育计划解决了数字包容的障碍 - 及其可靠的方法将技术集成到课堂上。Verizon Innovative Learning HQ于8月23日启动,将为学生提供下一代学习,涵盖从历史到生物学的一系列学科,通过访问最新的增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)教育工具。教育门户网站将帮助教师利用沉浸式技术,并认识到在其课程计划中利用下一代技术的好处。
免费的教育门户网站包括哥伦比亚大学,纽约大学,亚利桑那州立大学和其他学术机构的内容,可提供身临其境的AR和VR体验与课程计划。该门户网站的一个关键部分将包括与非营利合作伙伴Digital Promise的研究支持的微观信念一致的专业发展课程,以帮助使教育者拥有直接满足其数字学习需求的个性化学习途径。Verizon Innovative Learning HQ正在使所有人都可以使用下一代技术,包括全国所有K-12老师。
Advancing education technology in under-resourced classrooms
由于需要比以往任何时候都更大的课堂内技术资源,Verizon正在继续扩大Verizon创新学习学校计划,该计划使学生和老师在全国各地的Title I Schools中为学生和教师提供技术,访问,创新的学习计划和专业发展。该计划通过数字承诺将欢迎来自全国50个地区的246所新学校,几乎将该计划的覆盖范围翻了一番,到全国511所学校,并为近183,000名新学生提供了技术资源。
Combining hands-on learning with cutting-edge technology
Verizonis continuing to bring the power of 5G technology to under-resourced schools, unveiling a new 5G Verizon Innovative Learning Lab in Miami at the Sports Leadership and Management (SLAM) Academy. Powering the high-tech learning environment through the high bandwidth and low latency enabled by 5G, the lab will enable more robust, immersive learning experiences via technologies like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, AR and VR. Verizon plans to bring 5G technology to over 100 Verizon Innovative Learning Labs within Title I schools across the country in the coming years.
为了帮助民主化获得下一代教育技术资源,Verizon正在全国各地的I Schools启动40个新的Verizon创新学习实验室。与美国国家非营利组织和亚利桑那州立大学的Edson企业家 +创新研究所合作,Verizon Innovative Learning Lab计划为学生提供了可访问强大的,动手的课程和VR设备,例如3D打印的VR设备(例如VR设备)电台,增强现实应用程序等等,以定制设计的最先进的体验式学习环境。
Fostering STEM skill development for jobs of the future
Verizon’s continued efforts to foster digital inclusion includes the launch of a new initiative: Verizon Community Forward. This new program will serve to reinvigorate community spaces, providing under-resourced populations with the skills they need to be prepared for the digital workforce and 5G economy. Through advanced technology and educational resources, the program will provide K-12 students with STEM education, adults with digital literacy training, and both high school students and adults with workforce development and entrepreneurship learning opportunities. Each innovation center space will be a reconstructed room housed within an existing community space, such as a library, recreation center, or community college and will offer exploratory digital learning opportunities for STEM related career pathways with a focus on job skills. The Verizon Community Forward initiative will launch in September with 10 community centers across Portland, Pittsburgh, Houston, and Cleveland opening through 2022.
Citizen Verizon in action
这些努力都是该公司对经济,环境和社会发展负责的业务计划Citizen Verizon的一部分。Citizen Verizon赋予Verizon履行其使命,以通过扩大数字访问和资源,保护气候并确保人们拥有未来工作所需的技能,从而通过行动来推动世界。通过Citizen Verizon,该公司致力于到2030年之前为1000万年轻人提供数字技能培训,准备到2030年,为50万个人提供了未来的工作,为100万个小企业提供资源,以帮助他们在2030年之前在数字经济中蓬勃发展,并到2035年实现净零运营排放量。要了解有关Verizon的数字包容性工作的更多信息