Viacombs Impact Awards认可了体现我们价值观并在其社区中差异的员工。今年,我们很自豪地授予五位获奖者,他们将向他们选择的组织捐款10,000美元。
美国纽约市劳拉·迪马科(Laura Dimarco)
当大流行于去年年初隔离患者时,劳拉·迪马科(Laura Dimarco)试图将人类的联系和团结与整个三州地区的医院和房屋联系起来。劳拉得知冠状病毒的高度传染性迫使许多患者在ICU中自行抗击病毒后,她感到非常无助。直到长岛的ICU护士Liz和迪拜的朋友Zina给Laura打了电话。凭借Liz的想法和Zina的商业意识,他们为孤立的患者创造了解决方案。许多护士在拉链袋中为患者提供了细胞设备,以便他们可以与亲人联系。但是,考虑到高度传染性病毒,这些努力并不可持续。劳拉(Laura)和她的朋友们努力建立一个Gofundme来来源,分发和消毒iPad。这个故事打出了很多人,珍妮的基金筹集了40,000美元。随着iPad的分发,劳拉(Laura)分享了使用该技术将睡前故事阅读给孙子孙女或唱歌生日快乐的故事。
“There is no better motivator than love and human connection,” Laura tells us.珍妮的基金is named after Laura’s mother, Jeannie Tomaselli, a beloved nurse who used Facetime to stay connected with loved ones while she was immunocompromised. Jeannie loved people, and she took every chance to strengthen her connection with families. In honor of Jeannie and her legacy, the Fund enhanced the meaning of community in a time of fear and isolation.
For Laura, the ViacomCBS community was instrumental in her service, “Jeannie’s Fund would have never achieved what it did without the help of my Showtime family.” This example of community was important for Laura to exemplify to her kids. She wants them to know what it is like to be a person in service of others. Laura recommends saying yes to every opportunity, because timing will always work itself out. “If it is in the spirit of service and love, it is always a good idea.”
美国洛杉矶Adrienne Gruben
2月中旬,艾德丽安(Adrienne)遇到了丽兹·施万德(Liz Schwandt),她在她附近的朋友朱莉·巴布尔·布鲁克斯(Julee Baber Brooks)在附近做同样的事情。利兹(Liz)和朱莉(Julee)正在组织志愿者来扩大工作范围。丽兹(Liz)打电话给小组盖特斯拉(Gotsla)(拿出洛杉矶射门)。由于艾德丽安(Adrienne)是墨西哥裔美国人的西班牙语者,因此她进行的大多数任命都是针对西班牙语的人,但Gotsla继续在洛杉矶和圣贝纳迪诺县(San Bernardino Counties)预订约20,000个不同语言的约会。他们的约会工作流程有助于缓解语言障碍,计算机访问有限和工作时间长。他们还参加了需要亲自支持的任何人的约会。
南非约翰内斯堡的Ayanda Mhlongo
2021年3月,#R10Goesalongway为学生筹集资金的倡议席卷了南非社交媒体。该倡议的中心是Ayanda Mhlongo,他相信该国的学生。为了抗议许多问题,包括由于历史债务而将大约6,000名学生排除在内,学生们上街了一个月。以团结性,Ayanda和她的朋友Lasizwe,Sibu Mabena和Takkies创建了R10的主动性。他们的倡议通过众筹筹集了资金,同时提高了对不受资金的负面影响的认识,对处境不利的学生。该倡议不仅支持了真正的重要原因,而且消息传递具有很高的吸引力和激励性。回馈作品在长达3个小时的Instagram现场会议上变得有趣,该会议融合了整个非洲大陆的名人和数字影响者。Ayanda的努力不仅提高了人们对支持学生的事业的认识,而且还提高了士气并为社区创造了有趣的体验。188bet网址怎么打不开
Ayanda的动机来自她的父亲,她最近由于19岁而去世。他在各种董事会任职并组建了许多企业,他本来可以选择担任专职领导者。但是,相反,他选择了在南非社会发展部门工作的大部分时间为服务。他每天都在访问和与各种组织进行沟通,因此他们可以从社会发展部门获得资金。他的影响激发了Ayanda,跟随他清晰的脚步。Ayanda告诉我们,“ [Covid]使世界变得越来越小”,“我真的希望人们理解回馈会很有趣,这很有趣,而且志愿服务和帮助人们的实现是一个most fulfilling things we’ll ever get to do while we’re on this earth.”
Now that geographic boundaries pose less of a limitation, the sky is the limit in terms of the impact volunteers can have on their community. When the initiative hit the R2 Million mark, the community was joined in the celebration on Instagram, “We all cried, rejoiced, and had 10,000 people on the Instagram Live celebrating with us. We had excited students, who couldn’t believe that we did that for them. BEST FEELING EVER!” Ayanda’s story is a joyous example of the impact community can have on its future leaders. To further support the students within her community, Ayanda’s donation will go to基金会,南非的一个教育融资组织。
美国洛杉矶的Josh Venkataraman
For Josh Venkataraman, the words of Gilbert King’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, The Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America inspired action. After reading the book in college, Josh was inspired by the work of Thurgood Marshall. Just as Marshall had argued the civil rights case of the Groveland Four, Josh took it upon himself to posthumously exonerate the Groveland Four, who were falsely incarcerated in his home state of Florida. The families of the Four had 70 years’ worth of fighting under their belt, so Josh took various approaches from petitions and publicizing the story to contacting representatives. After four relentless years, Josh witnessed the Florida cabinet granting pardons to all four men
“Change doesn’t come overnight,” Josh tells us. The victory came as a result of Josh’s efforts in championing this cause by collecting 10,000 signatures, drafting press releases, contacting Florida senators, and providing co-sponsors, all with 70 years of fighting on behalf of the victims’ families. The ripple effect of community involvement and initiative leads to large scale change. Josh believes there are numerous ways to get involved with community organizing and efforts. It all starts with making a personal connection with someone in your community. He recommends starting small and thinking about the inequities you see around you because “chances are, you will find like-minded people who want to create change, and you will be more effective when working with other people.”
尽管Covid可能已经掌握了面对面的努力,但Josh坚信我们拥有对技术产生影响的所有工具。最重要的是,在孤立的时期,志愿服务有助于感受一个更大的社区的一部分。188bet网址怎么打不开作为Impact Award获奖者,Josh将捐款布劳沃德县的大兄弟姐妹,一个提供志愿者支持的指导网络的组织。随着乔什(Josh)继续纪念瑟古德·马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)的话,他表示:“这意味着世界要得到我的组织的支持。”Impact Award捐赠将大大支持Josh的家庭社区。188bet网址怎么打不开
纳塔莎·威克斯(Natasha Wickers),英国伦敦
Natasha Wickers is a champion for diversity and inclusion at ViacomCBS. She serves as co-chair of Fusion, the ViacomCBS UK employee resource group that promotes and celebrates cultural diversity. Not only does Natasha bring energy and enthusiasm to Fusion, but she also serves on multiple Racial Equity taskforces. Whether it be through organizing cultural heritage months or connecting BIPOC talent to ViacomCBS, Natasha is a fierce advocate for empowering voices of color. Her work within the Racial Equity taskforces has helped the company enhance the lives of its employees and improve the quality and representation of its output.
除了在公司内部的工作外,她还对更广泛的创意社区产生了积极影响。188bet网址怎么打不开自成立以来,纳塔莎(Natasha)一直与维克多·阿德博杜(Victor Adebodun)基金会有关。该慈善机构支持来自非洲和加勒比海背景的新兴人才,特别是那些梦想进入电视和电影业但缺乏网络或机遇的人。总体目标是在个人和文化层面上实现积极,有意义的变化。
Natasha’s leadership and inspiration come from her family. TheVictor Adebodun基金会创建是为了继续她已故的丈夫的遗产,现在通过指导,培训和获得就业机会来支持对娱乐行业感兴趣的多样化人才的梦想。娜塔莎(Natasha)的无与伦比的热情来自她对女儿和他们这一代人“成长,更加平等,更安全,更接受世界的渴望”。代表工作对她来说是无价的:“我不希望他们成长为“你看不到你看不到的东西”。当他们在这个世界上找到自己的位置时,他们应该能够在任何地方看到自己。”