


匹兹堡,5月16日2023 / 3提单媒体/ -Viatris Inc .)全球医疗保健公司(纳斯达克:录像机),今天公布了2022年金博宝怎么注册可持续发展报告展示其承诺,影响和建立可持续获得医学进展继续产生积极的影响在关键领域包括访问和全球健康,我们的人、环境和社区。188bet网址怎么打不开


听上面的预览Viatris 2022年可持续发展报告莉娜安德森,Viatris企业社会金博宝怎么注册责任主管。




  • 全球大约有10亿名患者提供药物。
  • 提供治疗大约有800万人感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病,其中包括近600000儿童。
  • 提供> 250种药物在世界卫生组织(世卫组织)基本药物清单和62年世卫组织资格预审的产品列表。
  • 提升和加强医疗专业教育和培训来构建更具弹性的非传染性疾病负担的卫生保健系统和地址(非传染性疾病),占全球每年死亡的近75%。超过3亿患者影响Viatris医疗专家在2022年的推广


  • 进行了我们第一次全球Viatris语音调查与89%的参与率。基线调查标志着我们的承诺进行一个里程碑的同事,倾听他们的看法对整体参与;多样性、股权和包容;健康和幸福;和转换和改变。
  • 命名2022年福布斯全球最佳雇主之一,排名在前800年10%的雇主榜上有名。


  • 承诺减少绝对范围1和2 42%的温室气体排放到2030年从2020年的基本期和进一步减少温室气体排放绝对范围3覆盖购买商品和服务,资本货物、燃料和能源相关的活动,和上游运输和分布在同一时间的25%。188bet上不了
  • 收到了验证和批准Viatris范围1、2和3的温室气体减排目标的科学基础目标计划(SBTi)。SBTi Viatris分类的范围1和2的目标雄心和确定它符合1.5°C的轨迹。
  • 执行五水风险评估——四在印度,一个在Turkiye设施。
  • 增加零废品垃圾填埋地点的数量总共16。


  • 捐赠超过4.5亿剂量的药物通过世界各地的合作伙伴和提供了100万美元援助支持访问医疗、食品安全和水管理四个组织:直接救济,世界中央厨房(WCK),“水援助组织”和世界粮食计划署美国、联合国世界粮食计划署的伙伴。
  • 支持全球社区,包括帮助人们撤离和安置在乌克兰和冲突的爆发提供基金,医疗捐款和物资在部分地区地震受灾社区Turkiye和叙利亚在2023年2月。




Viatris Inc .)(纳斯达克:录像机)是一个全球性的医疗保健公司全球让人生活更健康在生命的每个阶段。我们提供的药品,推进可持续运营,开发创新的解决方案和利用我们的集体专长,连接更多的人更多的产品和服务通过我们独一无二的全球医疗网关®。188bet上不了成立于2020年11月,Viatris汇集了科学、制造和分销专业知识与证明监管,医疗和商业功能交付高质量的药物给病人在165多个国家和地区。Viatris”投资组合包含超过1400个批准分子跨广泛的治疗领域,生成非传染性和传染性疾病,包括全球公认的品牌,复杂的泛型和品牌药品和各种非处方药消费产品。全球有超过38000的同事,Viatris总部设在美国在匹兹堡,与全球中心、上海和海得拉巴,印度。学习更多在viatris.cominvestor.viatris.com在Twitter上,联系我们@ViatrisInc,LinkedInInstagram,YouTube

这个新闻稿包含语句构成“前瞻性陈述”。These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward looking statements may include statements about our sustainability goals and initiatives. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to: the possibility that the Company may be unable to realize the intended benefits of, or achieve the intended goals or outlooks with respect to, its strategic initiatives; the possibility that the Company may be unable to achieve expected benefits, synergies and operating efficiencies in connection with acquisitions, divestitures, or its global restructuring program, within the expected timeframe or at all; impairment charges or other losses related to the divestiture or sale of businesses or assets; the Company's failure to achieve expected or targeted future financial and operating performance and results; the potential impact of public health outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics, including the ongoing challenges and uncertainties posed by COVID-19; actions and decisions of healthcare and pharmaceutical regulators; changes in healthcare and pharmaceutical laws and regulations in the U.S. and abroad; any regulatory, legal or other impediments to Viatris' ability to bring new products to market, including but not limited to "at-risk" launches; Viatris' or its partners' ability to develop, manufacture, and commercialize products; the scope, timing and outcome of any ongoing legal proceedings, and the impact of any such proceedings; any significant breach of data security or data privacy or disruptions to our information technology systems; risks associated with international operations; the ability to protect intellectual property and preserve intellectual property rights; changes in third-party relationships; the effect of any changes in Viatris' or its partners' customer and supplier relationships and customer purchasing patterns; the impacts of competition; changes in the economic and financial conditions of Viatris or its partners; uncertainties and matters beyond the control of management, including general economic conditions, inflation and exchange rates; failure to execute stock repurchases consistent with current expectations; stock price volatility; and the other risks described in Viatris' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Viatris routinely uses its website as a means of disclosing material information to the public in a broad, non-exclusionary manner for purposes of the SEC's Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg FD). Viatris undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release other than as required by law.

为进一步的信息:媒体、+ 1.724.514.1968,,珍妮弗·莫尔,,,马特•克莱因投资者+ 1.412.707.2866;比尔Szablewski,