2017年6月中旬,在法国人民的宙斯盾下,施耐德电气基金会(Schneider Electric Foundation)和阿索卡(Ashoka)与Enel合作推出了新的项目呼吁,以选择15个最具创新性的组织,这些组织提供创意和改变系统的解决方案解决燃料贫困并促进欧洲能源可持续性。金博宝怎么注册燃料贫困是欧洲的一个主要问题,在欧洲,每天数以千计的人挣扎,以确保以负担得起的价格在其住宅中提供足够的供暖,轻巧和烹饪能力。这严重影响了他们的健康和福祉,并最终对社会产生负面影响。
成功呼吁项目获得了40多个社会创新者的兴趣之后,他们宣布了2017 - 2018年“应对燃料贫困的社会创新”计划的15位获奖者在2017年11月13日在德国波恩举行的联合国气候变化大会的当事方大会(COP23)的第23届会议期间。15位获奖者代表了来自德国,希腊,意大利,葡萄牙和西班牙的各种社会创新者,他们都致力于解决燃料贫困和促进其国家和欧洲的能源可持续性。金博宝怎么注册
"Fuel poverty is a major concern for mature countries. What is it for us? It is when a person can’t heat his or her home at an acceptable cost regardless of cause. We intervene through programs that encompass both social and innovative solutions and the creation of tailored solutions, by accompanying households facing fuel poverty. The Foundation’s action is closely linked to the impact investment fund SEEA that invests in innovative social businesses," says Patricia Benchenna, Foundation and Philanthropy Director, Schneider Electric.