



2022年1月25日,星期二 - 上午11:15



得克萨斯州欧文,2022年1月25日 / 3Blmedia / --ISIDTRA(纽约证券交易所:VST)今天宣布,它计划进一步扩大其在加利福尼亚州Moss Landing的Moss Landing储能设施。该公司已与Pacific Gas and Electric Company(PG&E)签订了15年的资源充足协议,该协议是新的350兆瓦/1,400兆瓦的电池系统。这将补充现有的现有400 MW/1,600 MWH的储能容量。2022年1月21日,PG&E向加利福尼亚公用事业委员会(CPUC)提出了申请,以批准合同,并在180天内做出预计的决定。

Vistra首席执行官Curt Morgan说:“通过与PG&E的这种合作关系,Vistra带来了其能力和专业知识,以领导清洁能源过渡,并为加利福尼亚人民提供急需的电力。”“这些创新的电池储能系统对于保持电网可靠性是必要的,因为将间歇性可再生能源水平的提高集成到电网中。”

像以前的阶段一样,由于已经批准的开发许可证及其在现有的互连和基础设施的粘性电厂站点上的位置,Moss Landing III阶段将能够迅速移动。Vistra在加利福尼亚州和全国各地的工厂地点处于领先地位,以负责任地回收和重新利用该地点,这些地点历史上用于化石燃料,通过可再生能源和电池储存来改变它们,从而为社区提供了经济活动和税收基础。

今天的宣布将苔藓着陆点的总储能能力达到750 MW/3,000 MWH,这是世界上最大的储能:

·苔藓着陆 - 第一阶段(300 MW/1,200 MWH)

·苔藓着陆 - II期(100 MW/400 MWH)

·苔藓着陆 - 第三阶段(350 MW/1,400 MWH)

摩根继续说:“随着计划的扩展,我们正在将苔藓着陆点更接近其全部潜力。借助其他阶段,该项目最终可能达到1,500兆瓦 - 足以在加利福尼亚州提供无排放的电力的约11.25亿户房屋。Vistra通过我们的Vistra零投资组合致力于过渡公司以应对气候变化 - 而我们的Moss Landing网站是我们一代机队朝着无碳技术的枢纽的一个闪亮例子。”


通过强大的项目管道,Vistra计划将其发展零碳粘度零投资组合到2026年到7,300兆瓦。这包括5,000兆瓦的可再生能源和储能以及该公司的2300兆瓦无排放核设施Comanche Peak。除了其加利福尼亚项目外,该公司目前还拥有6个太阳能设施以及其他11个存储和太阳能存储设施,所有这些设施都处于德克萨斯州和伊利诺伊州开发和运营的各个阶段。在今年夏天之前,Vistra将在其50兆瓦的Brightsides太阳能设施,108兆瓦的翡翠林太阳能设施和260兆瓦的DeCordova储能设施中 - 都在德克萨斯州ERCOT市场。


Meranda Cohn,214-875-8004

Meagan Horn,,,,214-812-0046

Vistra(NYSE:VST)是一家领先的财富275综合零售电力和发电公司,位于得克萨斯州欧文,为客户,商业和社区提供基本资源。Vistra结合了一种创新的,以客户为中心的零售方式,可安全,可靠,多样化和高效的发电。该公司将其产品和服务带到20个州和哥伦比亚特区的市场,其中包括美国七个竞188bet上不了争批发市场中的6个以及加拿大和日本的市场。维斯特拉(Vistra)为有电力和天然气的近430万居住,商业和工业零售客户提供服务,是该国最大的竞争电力提供商之一,并提供50多个可再生能源计划。该公司也是美国最大的竞争发电机,其容量约为39,000兆瓦,由多样化的投资组合(包括天然气,核,太阳能和电池储能设施)提供动力。此外,Vistra是风能的大型购买者。该公司在加利福尼亚州的莫斯登陆处拥有并经营400兆瓦/1,600 mWh的电池储能系统,这是世界上同类产品中最大的。Vistra在四个核心原则的指导下:我们以正确的方式进行业务,我们作为一个团队合作,竞争赢得胜利,我们关心我们的利益相关者,包括我们的客户,我们的工作和生活,员工,我们的员工以及我们的社区投资者。了解有关我们的环境,社会和治理工作的更多信息,并阅读公司的可持续性报告金博宝怎么注册金博宝怎么注册sustainability/

本文提供的信息包括1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》的含义中的前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述基于有关Vistra Corp.的行业和市场的当前期望,估计和预测。Vistra”) operates and beliefs of and assumptions made by Vistra’s management, involve risks and uncertainties, which are difficult to predict and are not guarantees of future performance, that could significantly affect the financial results of Vistra. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that are presented herein, or in response to questions or otherwise, that address activities, events or developments that may occur in the future, including such matters as activities related to our financial or operational projections, the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows, projected synergy, value lever and net debt targets, capital allocation, capital expenditures, liquidity, projected Adjusted EBITDA to free cash flow conversion rate, dividend policy, business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, future acquisitions or dispositions, development or operation of power generation assets, market and industry developments and the growth of our businesses and operations (often, but not always, through the use of words or phrases, or the negative variations of those words or other comparable words of a future or forward-looking nature, including, but not limited to: "intends," "plans," "will likely," "unlikely," “believe,” “confident”, "expect," “seek,” "anticipate," "estimate," “continue,” “will,” “shall,” "should," “could,” "may," “might,” “predict,” "project," “forecast,” "target," “potential,” "goal," "objective," “guidance” and "outlook"),are forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Although Vistra believes that in making any such forward-looking statement, Vistra’s expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, any such forward-looking statement involves uncertainties and risks that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in or implied by any such forward-looking statement, including, but not limited to: (i) adverse changes in general economic or market conditions (including changes in interest rates) or changes in political conditions or federal or state laws and regulations; (ii) the ability of Vistra to execute upon its contemplated strategic, capital allocation, performance, and cost-saving initiatives and to successfully integrate acquired businesses; (iii) actions by credit ratings agencies; (iv) the severity, magnitude and duration of pandemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting effects on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows; (v) the severity, magnitude and duration of extreme weather events (including winter storm Uri), contingencies and uncertainties relating thereto, most of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control, and the resulting effects on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows; and (vi) those additional risks and factors discussed in reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Vistra from time to time, including the uncertainties and risks discussed in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements” in Vistra’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020, and any subsequently filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.


类别: 活力