新建Vogtle单元是GeorgiaPower承诺向270万客户提供清洁、安全、可靠和廉价能源的重要组成部分。新建两个单元将产生零空气污染清洁能源,预计会为50万多家企业供电南方核公司将代表共同所有者运营新单元:Georgia Power、Oglethope电源、MEAG电源和Dordal
发布中所含某些信息基于当前期望和计划并带风险和不确定性的前瞻性信息前视信息包括预测4机房使用日期报表GeorgiaPower警告说,某些因素可能导致实际结果与所提供前瞻信息有实质性差异。提醒读者不要不适当地依赖这一前瞻性信息,这不是未来性能的保证,并受若干不确定因素和其他因素的影响,其中许多因素不在GeorgiaPower控制范围之内!因此,无法保证这种建议结果会实现。除GeorgiaPower年度报告表10K中讨论的2022年12月31日截止年度和后续证券归档外,下列因素可能导致实际结果与管理期望大相径庭:COVID-19持续流行的潜在效果the ability to control costs and avoid cost and schedule overruns during the development, construction, and operation of facilities or other projects, including Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, which includes components based on new technology that only within the last few years began initial operation in the global nuclear industry at this scale, due to current and/or future challenges which include, but are not limited to, changes in labor costs, availability and productivity, challenges with the management of contractors or vendors, subcontractor performance, adverse weather conditions, shortages, delays, increased costs, or inconsistent quality of equipment, materials, and labor, contractor or supplier delay, the impacts of inflation, delays due to judicial or regulatory action, nonperformance under construction, operating, or other agreements, operational readiness, including specialized operator training and required site safety programs, engineering or design problems or any remediation related thereto, design and other licensing-based compliance matters, including, for Plant Vogtle Unit 4, inspections and the timely submittal by Southern Nuclear of the Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria documentation and the related investigations, reviews and approvals by the NRC necessary to support NRC authorization to load fuel, challenges with start-up activities, including major equipment failure, or system integration, and/or operational performance, continued challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic or future pandemic health events, continued public and policymaker support for projects, environmental and geological conditions, delays or increased costs to interconnect facilities to transmission grids, and increased financing costs as a result of changes in market interest rates or as a result of project delays!能力克服或减轻当前3单元和4挑战法律程序规范审批和建设项目相关行动,如Plant Votle单元3和4,包括公共服务委员会审批和NRC动作在某些特定情况下, 10%以上持有者决定不继续建设3单元和4单元Oglethorpe电力公司和道尔顿市向Georgia电力公司提交标注3单元和4单元股份的一部分,包括相关诉讼有能力根据许可和许可的要求(包括满足NRC的要求)搭建设施,满足环境性能标准以及减税和其他奖励要求,并在建设完成后将设施整合入南方公司系统运行和建设核电厂固有风险对应方格鲁吉亚电力支付到期并按规定执行的能力GeorgiaPower业务因网络入侵或物理攻击以及网络攻击威胁而受到直接或间接影响灾难事件如大火、地震、爆炸、洪水、龙卷风、飓风和其他风暴、干旱、大流行健康事件、政治动荡、战争或其他类似事件并直接或间接影响GeorgiaPower业务电网或生成或存储资源运算GeorgiaPower明确拒绝履行更新前向信息的义务