






阿肯色州本顿维尔(Bentonville),2021年9月8日 / 3BL Media / -Walmart Inc.(NYSE:WMT)今天宣布,它已成功地定价了该公司的第一个绿色债券。20亿美元的绿色债券发行的净收益将用于资助现有的和未来的项目,使沃尔玛能够实现其可持续性目标。金博宝怎么注册


沃尔玛(Walmart)将每年向合格的绿色投资分配和估计影响的信息发布公开报告,直到分配了等于绿色债券的净收益的金额为止。An outside consultant with recognized expertise in environmental, social and governance research and analysis has issued, and made publicly available, a second party opinion in respect of the alignment of eligibility criteria of the type described above with the Green Bond Principles, and the company’s external auditor EY will provide an assurance report on each allocation report.


领导绿色债券作为活跃的簿记员是四家全国认可的少数民族和妇女拥有的公司,包括非洲裔美国人和服务贫困的资深人用Amerivet Securities,Inc。,妇女拥有的C.L.King&Associates,Inc。,西班牙裔拥有的Samuel A. Ramirez&Company,Inc。以及非裔美国人和妇女拥有的Siebert Williams Shank&Co.。Bofa Securities,Inc。,花旗集团全球市场公司和Morgan Stanley&Co。LLC还担任过绿色债券的活跃书架。BOFA Securities,Inc。是绿色结构代理,而花旗集团全球市场公司则是多样性和包容协调员。

沃尔玛(Walmart Inc.)(NYSE:WMT)帮助世界各地的人们节省金钱,并在任何时间和任何地方 - 在零售商店,在线和通过其移动设备中生活。每周,大约2.2亿客户和会员在24个国家 /地区和电子商务网站上访问约10,500家商店和俱乐部。沃尔玛在2021财政年度的收入为5590亿美元,全球拥有220万员工。沃尔玛仍然是可持续性,企业慈善事业和就业机会的领导者。金博宝怎么注册


该新闻稿不是招股说明书或出售证券的要约。这些产品仅通过招股说明书而进行。沃尔玛(Walmart Inc.此新闻稿与之相关。在您投资之前,您应该在该注册声明和我们向SEC提交的其他文件中阅读适用的初步招股说明书,以获取有关公司和产品的更多完整信息。您可以通过在SEC网站上访问Edgar来免费获得这些文件www.sec.gov

本新闻稿包含陈述,或者可能包括可能被认为是1934年《证券交易法》第21e条的含义中的“前瞻性陈述”的陈述,该陈述(“ ACT”)旨在享受保护安全港为法令提供的前瞻性陈述以及其他联邦证券法提供的保护。关于我们的ESG报告,我们的实际未来结果,包括实现目标,目标或承诺的实现,可能与我们的预期结果有所不同,因为情况的变化,未实现的假设或其他风险,不确定性和因素。这种前瞻性语句所基于的假设也是前瞻性语句。Such forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts, but instead express our estimates or expectations for our consolidated, or one of our segment's or business’, economic performance or results of operations for future periods or as of future dates or events or developments that may occur in the future or discuss our plans, objectives or goals, including ESG reporting that contains certain forward-looking statements based on Walmart management’s current assumptions and expectations, including statements regarding our ESG targets, goals, commitments and programs and other business plans, initiatives and objectives. These statements are typically accompanied by the words “aim,” “hope,” “believe,” “estimate,” “plan,” “aspire” or similar words. Our actual results may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by any of these forward-looking statements as a result of changes in circumstances, assumptions not being realized or other risks, uncertainties and factors including: the use of proceeds of the offering and the provision of certain related opinions and assurance reports; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and the global economy; economic, capital markets and business conditions; trends and events around the world and in the markets in which we operate; currency exchange rate fluctuations, changes in market interest rates and market levels of wages; changes in the size of various markets, including eCommerce markets; unemployment levels; inflation or deflation, generally and in particular product categories; consumer confidence, disposable income, credit availability, spending levels, shopping patterns, debt levels and demand for certain merchandise; the effectiveness of the implementation and operation of our strategies, plans, programs and initiatives; unexpected changes in our objectives and plans; the impact of acquisitions, investments, divestitures, and other strategic decisions; our ability to successfully integrate acquired businesses; changes in the trading prices of certain equity investments we hold; initiatives of competitors, competitors' entry into and expansion in our markets, and competitive pressures; customer traffic and average transactions in our stores and clubs and on our eCommerce websites; the mix of merchandise we sell, the cost of goods we sell and the shrinkage we experience; our gross profit margins; the financial performance of Walmart and each of its segments, including the amounts of our cash flow during various periods; the amount of our net sales and operating expenses denominated in the U.S. dollar and various foreign currencies; commodity prices and the price of gasoline and diesel fuel; supply chain disruptions and disruptions in seasonal buying patterns; the availability of goods from suppliers and the cost of goods acquired from suppliers; our ability to respond to changing trends in consumer shopping habits; consumer acceptance of and response to our stores, clubs, eCommerce platforms, programs, merchandise offerings and delivery methods; cyber security events affecting us and related costs and impact to the business; developments in, outcomes of, and costs incurred in legal or regulatory proceedings to which we are a party or are subject, and the liabilities, obligations and expenses, if any, that we may incur in connection therewith; casualty and accident-related costs and insurance costs; the turnover in our workforce and labor costs, including healthcare and other benefit costs; our effective tax rate and the factors affecting our effective tax rate, including assessments of certain tax contingencies, valuation allowances, changes in law, administrative audit outcomes, impact of discrete items and the mix of earnings between the U.S. and Walmart's international operations; changes in existing tax, labor and other laws and regulations and changes in tax rates including the enactment of laws and the adoption and interpretation of administrative rules and regulations; the imposition of new taxes on imports, new tariffs and changes in existing tariff rates; the imposition of new trade restrictions and changes in existing trade restrictions; adoption or creation of new, and modification of existing, governmental policies, programs, initiatives and actions in the markets in which Walmart operates and elsewhere and actions with respect to such policies, programs and initiatives; changes in accounting estimates or judgments; the level of public assistance payments; natural disasters, changes in climate, geopolitical events, global health epidemics or pandemics and catastrophic events; and changes in generally accepted accounting principles in the United States.
