华盛顿商业杂志BOOZ ALLEN首席执行官Horacio Rozanski多元化,公平和包容性冠军

华盛顿商业杂志BOOZ ALLEN首席执行官Horacio Rozanski多元化,公平和包容性冠军

Booz Allen CEO Horacio Rozanski was named by the Washington Business Journal a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion of the Year in honor of his work “leading the fight against social inequities”

Booz Allen CEO Horacio Rozanski was named by the Washington Business Journal a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion of the Year in honor of his work “leading the fight against social inequities”

2020年12月17日,星期四 - 下午2:45

CAMPAIGN:People Profiles


“当您赋予人们充分的潜力时,您正在做正确的事情,组织整体上受益。我认为我为此证明了这一点。”- Booz Allen首席执行官Horacio Rozanski

This year has been full of unprecedented events requiring extraordinary leadership. On December 11, the华盛顿商业杂志recognized seven executives that made exceptional contributions to the D.C. region in 2020, setting a new standard that helped carry the community forward. The awardees included Booz Allen CEOHoracio Rozanski作为Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion of the Yearin honor of his commitment to advancing racial and social equity both inside Booz Allen and beyond.


Booz Allen长期以来一直是多样性,公平和包容性(DEI)倡议的领导者。2019年,该公司为LGBTQ+员工庆祝其Globe+商业资源组(BRG)成立20周年,并在2020年,第六年获得了完美的成绩残疾平等指数第十一年,得分完美Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index

但是今年需要采取不同的紧急呼吁。在乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)和布雷娜·泰勒(Breonna Taylor)的谋杀案之后,罗赞斯基(Rozanski)写了一封公开的信,重申了布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)对社会正义的承诺,并鼓励员工分享他们对如何采取行动的个人经验和想法。反应很强大。


These employee responses helped shape a renewed DEI commitment for Booz Allen, outlined in a six-pillarRace and Social Equity Agenda其中包括对商业实践进行独立审查;在公司各个层面上增加了黑人,土著和有色人种的代表;增加个人时间和空间的反思和心理健康;并利用其声音和能力来提高种族和社会公平,并扩大他人的声音,以及其他举措。

议程还包括使种族和社会公平成为公司慈善事业的主要要素。在秋天,Booz Allen推出了Race and Social Equity Employee Giving Campaign通过与平等司法倡议,Thurgood Ma188bet网址怎么打不开rshall College Fund,年UP和Black Girls Code的合作伙伴关系,支持黑人社区和历史上的边缘化人口,筹集了超过500万美元的公司。

“这是我们以前从未做过的事情,公开致力于改变我们公司内外的改变种族和社会公平的议程。从对我们的商业实践的完整重新审查到对我们在布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)进行慈善事业的重新构想,一切都在餐桌上。”罗赞斯基在接受演讲中说。“这项工作正在进行中,我对我们获得的见解,我们开始取得的进步以及我们正在进行的旅程感到兴奋。”


Additionally under Rozanski’s tenure, the firm has reached milestones such as achievingindustry-leading diversityamong its board of directors and executive leadership team and launching不可阻挡这是一项全球领导的DEI签名计划,旨在使当今劳动力面临的挑战人性化。该计划在上一个财政年度聘用了3,000多名员工,超过94 percent参与者说,这种经历增加了他们在布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)的归属感。

The firm also continues to evolve and expand its BRGs for women, military-affiliated employees, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, as well as employees with dedicated networks for its Latin American, African American, Asian Pacific American, Middle East and North African, and Native American employee populations.

学习和分享 - “使自己的全部自我上班”的力量

At Booz Allen, employees are encouraged to bring the full scope of their lives, experiences, and expertise to work—an approach that Rozanski, who grew up in Argentina and started his career as an intern in the firm’s Buenos Aires office, said he had to learn for himself as he took on different roles with the firm.

“作为移民,您要做的一件事是您要融合……坦率地说,我必须接受使您的全部自我上班的重要性进行教育。”华盛顿商业杂志。“I discovered when I did, work was more fun. It was liberating and as a leader, people follow you if they know who you are.”

罗桑基(Rozanski)说,要看2021年及以后,布兹·艾伦(Booz Allen)的人民是他对未来旅程的乐观态度的原因。


阅读华盛顿商业杂志storyand learn more aboutdiversity, equity and inclusion at Booz Allen