



水是一个重要的问题在全球范围内,以及今年世界人口达到70亿,气候变化的影响增长,水的重要性只会增加。但需要干净的水和卫生设施并不是一个新问题,和一些想知道为什么进展如此缓慢的速度。水的CEO的人,作为一个在全球工作多年向人们提供干净的水,内德布雷斯林创建新的解决方案这个老问题。几十年来的聚合非营利组织、基金会、政府组织,和其他人追求各种各样的策略来送水,但进展似乎慢得令人沮丧。布雷斯林说:“努力是混乱的,描述的努力许多各方在全球水挑战。结果并不总是他们可能是什么。水在11个国家的人们在拉丁美洲,亚洲和非洲的认为每个人都应该有干净、安全的饮用水和卫生用水。这是一个简单的信念与前景产生深远的影响很多人的生活。的一个挑战和努力改善水供应的趋势组关注项目的初始安装,然后继续前进。在最初的水流和快乐的人的照片,注意走到下一个项目。 The result is often broken water projects, and wasted investments. “People come in, do a project, and then leave,” said Breslin. Installing the project is only the first step though. “There are abandoned projects everywhere. Keeping the water flowing takes money, work, and a continued presence. The day the water first flows is only day one.” To solve this problem with the long-term performance of water projects, Water for People is measuring not just projects but outcomes, and to measure this they have incorporated long-term monitoring. Independent monitors visit their projects once each year, usually at the end of the dry season when the water system is under its greatest stress, and the projects they install are to be tracked for 10 years to make sure they’re still working. “Technology helps to make this possible,” said Breslin. They have devised a system called FLOW in which data on water projects can be collected on phones, including GPS location. The data is uploaded to Google, and tracked on a map. With groups like Water for People leading the way, there will be more pressure for the field as a whole to show concrete results in the push for clean water. “Philanthropists are asking harder questions, pushing the move toward transparency,” said Breslin. The importance of water in the lives of people everywhere means that efforts to improve water won’t go away. Solutions are possible with better information, honest discussion, and measurement of outcomes like the work done by Breslin and Water for People. You can read more about them and find out how to get involvedhttp://www.waterforpeople.org/格伦Croston帮助绿色企业沟通和咨询www.startingupgreen.com的作者,也是“75绿色企业”和“绿色”开始。







