

(3提单媒体/可比我们波士顿- 金博宝手机版网页- - 3月23日,2011年在回应股东请求,三大电力公司,统治,南方公司PPL公司,同意大幅扩大对水可用性报告和披露风险和减轻这些风险的计划。

协议是长期干旱,水需求增长和气候变化的地方增加压力对水供应和创造挑战电力生产商在美国的许多地方。发电厂,其中包括核、煤炭、石油和天然气,占全国40%的淡水资源,要求每天估计有1360亿加仑用于生成和冷却蒸汽驱动电动发电机。“水资源短缺是一个日益增长的风险,许多公用事业和投资者想知道公司正在准备供应竞争加剧,新兴规定从短缺和潜在的收入损失,“明迪s .卢波说总统的谷神星和主任9.5万亿美元的气候风险投资者网络。投资者提起股东决议与公用事业公司几个月前让他们评估和披露他们的广泛的水风险的策略,包括低流动,热影响,和新兴的规定。决议撤销在最近几周后,公司同意进行研究。南方公司同意准备一个全面的“水行动报告,描述其水资源管理哲学、水的利用和消耗生成类型,水排放,和新兴风险,包括水在燃料供应链风险。坐落在乔治亚州的亚特兰大,联邦司法秩序可能会降低城市的水取款早在2012年,南部是全国最大的发电机之一,与42千瓦的发电能力。“我们已经要求南方公司注意这些问题,并很高兴公司给股东保证,它将这些因素融入其长期计划,”丹尼斯说尿布,康涅狄格州财务主管的办公室管理246亿美元的资产和铅产品的决议。“南部清楚地看到水风险战略挑战,需要得到满足,以确保公司的未来发展和可持续发展,以及整个能源行业。金博宝怎么注册“投资者还劝说位于弗吉尼亚州的统治致力于应对水碳披露项目的调查,要求公司报告他们的用水和风险改变水的可用性。 PPL agreed to report on the water intensity of its generation, its water resources and cooling system types and water rights of major facilities. The company will provide the information in its upcoming CSR report. Based in Allentown, Pennsylvania PPL’s operating territory includes Pennsylvania, Montana and Kentucky. "We are pleased with PPL's willingness to discuss water issues with investors this year," said Luan Steinhilber, ESG analyst and director of shareholder advocacy at Miller/Howard Investments, the lead filer on the resolution. "We look forward to working with PPL as the company continues to assess risks and opportunities related to water.” Miller/Howard Investments has $1.9 billion in assets under management. Electric power providers face a range of physical risks related to water scarcity, including low and variable water flows and higher water temperatures linked to climate change; regulatory risks linked to new requirements to minimize cooling system impacts on aquatic life; and legal risks as communities increasingly seek to challenge the construction or expansion of power plants in water-stressed regions. A single nuclear generating unit can use as much as 1.1 million gallons of water per minute. If water levels fall below the intake structure, lowering it can cost upwards of $200 million for a single nuclear or coal power plant and installing a less water-intensive cooling system can cost more than $1 billion. Water risks are already leading some utilities in drought-prone regions in the U.S. West to turn away from water-intensive coal-fired power generation. Some power plants have been blocked from obtaining water permits as they have attempted to expand or build new coal-fired facilities. During the 2007-2008 drought in the southeastern U.S., Southern was forced to buy $33 million in fossil fuels to replace lost power in Atlanta when hydropower generation declined by half due to low water levels. More recently, In August 2010, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was forced to reduce generation at three of its nuclear facilities in Alabama and Tennessee when a heat wave pushed water temperatures to the permitted maximum temperature of 90°F. The three resolutions are among29日向19个美国电力公司2011代理赛季等问题缺水问题,温室气体排放和使用可再生能源的山顶。Ceres谷神星的主要联合投资者,环保团体和其他公共利益集团与公司合作,解决可持续发展的挑战,如全球气候变化。金博宝怎么注册Ceres也指导气候风险投资者网络,网络的96个机构投资者9.5万亿美元的集体资产集中在商业气候变化的影响。详情,请访问http://www.ceres.org。CERES12573